Tag: Sitecore

Process to delete Sitecore OrderCloud Marketplace

Admin User who created the Marketplace can delete and Transfer the Ownership of the Account. Where the ownership is transfered to the users cannot delete the Marketplace.

To delete the Marketplace you should have first created a Marketplace and login to the portal as Admin User having Full Access.

For creating your Marketplace see this blog.

Once you have logged in to the portal from Dashboard select the Marketplace you want to delete.

In this case lets delete the Marketplace with name “OrderCloud Blog Auto Generated ID”

Once you are in the Marketplace, you should see the option to Delete since you have FullAccess

Confirmation message is displayed. Click on Send Confirmation Code

A confirmation code is sent to your registered mail.

Once you select option to Send Confirmation Code, you should receive mail on your registered email address from noreply@four51.com.

The mail should have details of the Marketplace you are attempting ot delete along with the code

Use this code to confirm the deletion of Maretplace

And the deleted Marketplace is no more in the Dashboard-

Setup OrderCloud Headstart project using Azurite, Storage Explorer and Cosmos DB Emulator – Part 1

Follow below steps to configure Sitecore Ordercloud Headstart middleware without having to provision Azure online resources. i.e. setup offline Azure resources

Online vs Local Azure resources-

Azure Online ResourcesAzure Offline Resources
Azure App Configurationuse appSettings.json
Storage AccountAzurite Emulator and Azure Storage Explorer
Azure Cosmos DatabaseAzure Cosmos DB Emulator

Step 1 – Install and Run Azurite Emulator

Install Azurite- Pre-requisite is to install node js

npm install -g azurite

Run Azurite- Navigate to the folder where the supporting files should be deployed e.g.: c:\Azurite

azurite start

OR - if you want specfic folder and in debug mode 

azurite --silent --location c:\azurite --debug c:\azurite\debug.log

Blob service should listen to

Step 2 – Install Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer

Install Azure storage explorer. Download from here

Step 3 – Configure Blob Containers

Connect to Local Azure Storage

Click on the connect to open the connection dialog box

Select the Local storage emulator

Fill in the required details

Display name

Account name – this wil be used to connect to the blob storage

Blobs port- port used to connect to the vlob storage

Queues and Tables port- port used to connect queues and tables respectively

These are the connection information (you might have to note this)-

Local account is created-

Storage Explorer is now able to conect to Local Storage Emulator i.e. Azurite

Create a Blob Container – ngx-translate and create new Virtual Directory i18n

Blob Container and folder name can be any other name. You need to configure this correctly in UI config. See this in later steps

Upload the translation file

Ideally Container, Virtual Directory and trnslation file should be created by Headstart Api. I couldn’t make it work. Hence alternative this I have attached en.json file here.

Once uploaded you should be able to see the uploaded file-

Set Public Access Level to Blob Container

Select the Public read access for containers and blobs

Configure CORS settings

CORS settings are required for accessing the en.json file to access from the local blob storage

Click “Add” to add new CORS Settings-

Following values in –

Allowed Headers – x-ms-meta-data,x-ms-meta-target,x-ms-meta-abc

Exposed Headers – x-ms-meta-*

Check for all the steps performed above the operations in Blob Storage Explorer is successful.

Reference for CORS Rule-


Now try to access the translator file from local blob storage on –

Setup Sitecore 10.2 JSS using next js in secured and connected mode

Sitecore 10.2 uses Sitecore Headless Rendering 19.0.0. See link here

See this blog for prerequisites and setting jss using next js in disconnected mode.

Follow below steps after the steps completed in above blog

Download Sitecore Headless Services for Sitecore XM


Install Sitecore 10.2 XP0 on local development environment. See hte blog here if not already installed

Install downloaded package for Headless Service

https://dev.sitecore.net/Downloads/Sitecore_Headless_Rendering/19x/Sitecore_Headless_Rendering_1900.aspx OR


Run the next js app in connected mode

Before working on connected mode create API Key

Navigate to – /sitecore/system/Settings/Services/API Keys

Create a new API Key e.g.:- nextjsservice

API key here is Item ID

Create a custom binding-

For this create a self signed certificate with a custom domain name in this case – next-jss-prj.dev.local

New-SelfSignedCertificate -CertStoreLocation C:\certificates -DnsName "next-jss-prj.dev.local" -FriendlyName "My First Next JSS App" -NotAfter (Get-Date).AddYears(10)

Create a new https binding and assign the newly create SSL certificate

Add domain to the host file – next-jss-prj.dev.local

Inititate JSS

Run the command

npm init sitecore-jss nextjs

Where would you like your new app created? C:\projects\nextjs
Initializing ‘nextjs’…
What is the name of your app? next-jss-prj.dev.local
What is your Sitecore hostname (used if deployed to Sitecore)? next-jss-prj.dev.local
How would you like to fetch Layout and Dictionary data? REST
How would you like to prerender your application? SSG
Would you like to include any add-on initializers? nextjs-styleguide – Includes example components and setup for
working disconnected
Initializing ‘nextjs-styleguide’…
Which additional language do you want to support (en is already included and required)? da-DK

Setup JSS

jss setup

Is your Sitecore instance on this machine or accessible via network share? [y/n]: y
Path to the Sitecore folder (e.g. c:\inetpub\wwwroot\my.siteco.re):
Invalid input.
Path to the Sitecore folder (e.g. c:\inetpub\wwwroot\my.siteco.re): C:\inetpub\wwwroot\xp102sc.dev.local
Sitecore hostname (e.g. http://myapp.local.siteco.re; see /sitecore/config; ensure added to hosts): next-jss-prj.dev.local
Invalid input. Must start with http(s)
Sitecore hostname (e.g. http://myapp.local.siteco.re; see /sitecore/config; ensure added to hosts): https://next-jss-prj.dev.local
Sitecore import service URL [https://next-jss-prj.dev.local/sitecore/api/jss/import]: https://next-jss-prj.dev.local/sitecore/api/jss/import
Sitecore API Key (ID of API key item): {2318A20A-6DF1-4AB8-B49E-F933A3B79160}
Please enter your deployment secret (32+ random chars; or press enter to generate one):

Deployment secret– Leave this blank as this will generate new secret key

Deployment secret key is generate and stored in <<jss development folder>>\sitecore\config\next-jss-prj.deploysecret.config

JSS connection settings saved to scjssconfig.json

Connection and the deployment secret is created, now this needs to be deployed to Sitecore instance so the JSS app is able to establish a connection with Sitecoore

To deploy the config setting deploy the config to Sitecore instance-

jss deploy config

Configs are copied to Sitecore instance App_Config\Include\zzz…

Deploy the artifacts to Sitecore instance-

Since we don’t know hte thumbprint use the below command with –acceptCertificate as test

jss deploy app –includeContent –includeDictionary –acceptCertificate test

This will provide the thumbprint. highllighted in red

Copy the certificate and try deploying again-

jss deploy app –includeContent –includeDictionary –acceptCertificate E4:54:12:A0:7E:D5:95:9B:B0:C2:00:17:3A:26:1B:AD:71:73:9F:05

if you see this error while importing – Message: An item name must satisfy the pattern: ^[\w*\$][\w\s-\$]*((\d{1,})){0,1}$ (controlled by the setting ItemNameValidation)

Change the ItemnameValidation to .* while importing and revert back to original in Sitecore.config file. Refer this –


To run the app run following command

jss start:connected

If you receive this error-

Execute following command to get this working on port 3000


Execute JSS start again-

jss start:connected


Connection to your rendering host failed with a Not Found error. Ensure the POST endpoint at URL http://localhost:3000/api/editing/render has been enabled.

Copy the deploy secret and update the – value of setting of JavaScriptServices.ViewEngine.Http.JssEditingSecret in Sitecore.JavaScriptServices.ViewEngine.Http with the deploy secret.

This now work in connected mode. Any content changes in Sitecore should reflect localhost:3000 and Sitecore instance (https://next-jss-prj.dev.local/)

Sitecore next js working in connected mode with SSL


Exception thrown while importing JSS app
Exception: System.UnauthorizedAccessException
Message: The current user does not have write access to this item. User: sitecore\JssImport, Item: ContentBlock ({23CE8001-F405-5E50-AE61-AD3057660BBD})
Source: Sitecore.Kernel




Check if the API key is correct at the location – /sitecore/system/Settings/Services/API Keys

Also check if the CORS and Allowed Controllers are set correctly

For developement environment put * for both the highlighted fields

Setup Sitecore 10.2 JSS using next js with disconnected mode


Install Node js – Download the latest node js from here

Install JSS CLI

npm install -g @sitecore-jss/sitecore-jss-cli

Create a new next js app using JSS CLI

Note the project name should be valid as per below error

next-jss-prj1 is not a valid name; you may use lowercase letters, hyphens, and underscores only.

Numbers not allowed in project name

jss create next-jss-prj nextjs

Installs all the required artifacts in the specified folder

Run the next jss app in desconneted mode-

jss start

The app should listen to port 3000


JSS CLI is running in global mode because it was not installed in the local node_modules folder.

Resolution– Install jss cli locally. Also ensure you are in correct directory. Should be in project directory

npm install @sitecore-jss/sitecore-jss-cli

Sitecore Commerce Business Tools Compatibility Table

Sitecore Commerce installation package comes with Sitecore Business Tools SDK.

If you are planning to custommise Business Tools you might have to setup the development environment for Business Tools. You can find more information on how to setup the development environment here

For each version of Sitecore Commerce you need to install the specific version of Business Tools in you development environment.

See below the compatibility table for Business Tools with Sitecore commerce-

Package for the same can be found here

Sitecore Commerce (XC) VersionSitecore Business Tools VersionDownload Link

Sitecore SXA Series

Sharing my experience on developing and configuring a site using Sitecore SXA.


  1. Creating a SXA tenant and site
  2. Know what is in your installed Tenant and Site
  3. Themes – Create and Assign themes
  4. Create Sitecore SXA module
  5. Create a SXA component form scratch using Scriban
    1. Create data and rendering templates
    2. Setup content and create renderings
    3. Create rendering variants using Scriban
    4. Add rendering to Page (Option 1)
    5. Setup page and partial design
  6. Install module to SXA Site
  7. Add rendering to Page using Toolbox (Option 2) – Coming Soon
  8. Setup custom domain for SXA site – Coming Soon
  9. Debug- Remove div row wrappers when using Sitecore placeholders
  10. Debug- Enable and configure the Asset optimizer
  11. Setup Favicon for your SXA site
  12. Configure settings for Error Handling SXA site- Coming Soon

Sitecore SXA- Remove div row wrappers when using Sitecore placeholders

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-50.png

Sitecore uses placeholders to render components which allows to dynamically assemble the page layout. This allows the content editors to design specific pages.

When using MVC layout and BootStrap grid, SXA adds additional DIV when a placeholder is used.

For e.g. if you see the views/sxalayout/Bootstrap4Body.cshtml file. If has a placeholders header, main and footer.

Page is rendered with the header, main and footer tags having placeholders within.

These placeholders is wrapped with a div tag when rendered with class row.

Problem– Extra div tag with class row might not be required or if you don’t to have this as part of your markup. How to remove div tag?


The configuration to exclude the placeholder wrappers is in Sitecore.XA.Foundation.Grid.config

Any custom or OOTB placeholders can be added to placeholderWrapper/exlcudedPlaceholders list

Best Practice – Never modify the OOTB config’s as this can be changed in the future releases and upgrades. Patch the config instead.

Patch file should look something like this-

Resulting to the entry added in excludePlaceholders list and the div been not rendered-

Hope this helps

Sitecore 10 SXA- Improve site performance by enabling Asset Optimizer

Asset optimizer helps improve the performance in production site by compressing/minifying the CSS and JS.

Minification of assets helps to cut the unnecessary portions of code and reduce the size of file to boost the performance by reducing amount of data over the internet.

Sitecore administrators can enable/disable optimizer globally of to a specific site.

Enable/Disable the Asset Optimizer globally

Enabling or disabling optimizer globally affects all the sites configured in the Sitecore instance.

To change the optimiser settings navigate to following location. This is accessible to Administrators-

/sitecore/system/Settings/Foundation/Experience Accelerator/Theming/Optimiser

You can also search “optimiser”-

If you can’t find this you may have to re-index master.

Select Scripts or Styles to change the settings

Modes of Optimizations

Concatenate And Minify Mode

When this option is selected. Sitecore will concatenate and minify the OOTB and Custom Scripts and Styles.

Example:- If you have a custom theme you can add the css files in your extension theme

This is in master database

Highlighted CSS is a extension to the base theme.

Web database when the page is first requested Sitecore will concat and minify all css in extension theme folder and create a optimised-min.css file

Styles loaded from the extension theme is concatenated and minified version with timestamp in query parameter (optimised-min.css)

Notice that the file name is optimised-min.css

Size of the optimized version is 367 KB
Concatenate and minified. Loads without comments

Concatenate Mode

Change the mode of optimization to “Concatenate”.

Web database now has optimized file created in extension theme

Styles loaded from the extension theme is concatenated version with timestamp in query parameter (optimised.css)

Notice that the reference to file is changed to optimised.css

Size of the optimized version is 381 KB
Concatenate but not minified. CSS loads with comments

Disabled Mode

Change the mode to “Disabled” and should see all the files loaded separately. Disabled mode is good for debugging but should not be used for production as it will give a performance hit.

CSS files are loaded separately and not concatenated nor minified

Best Practice – Enable Asset Optimizer in production environments

The same can be applied to the Scripts.

You have set the optimizer to concatenate and minify globally to your Sitecore instance but still don’t see the site been optimized.