Tag: learn ubuntu

Linux and Docker on Ubuntu Series

Linux basic commands (Ubuntu)

Linux Kernel and hardware

Linux Runlevels

Linux Package Management for Ubuntu

Linux User Management commands

Linux Networking commands

Install Docker on Linux

Linux File Types

Create a file in Linux

How to check the file size in Linux

Compressing and Uncompressing Files in Linux

Searching files and directories in Linux

Search content with pattern in the file in Linux

Search content with pattern in the file in Linux

File Permissions in Linux

Check running services in Linux


Docker FAQ’s

Install Docker on Ubuntu

Install Docker using install script on Ubuntu

Setup a Docker Swarm

Cache Busting and Version Pinning when building Docker images

Docker storage on Ubuntu

How to start docker in debug mode in Ubuntu

Docker Restart Policies

Use Docker image offline with Save and Load command in Ubuntu

Export Container and Import as Image using Docker in Ubuntu

Create a custom network in docker for communication between containers

Dcoker Security

Docker Best practice

Create a file in Linux

Create a file with touch command

To create a new file, use touch command followed by the name of the file-

This should create a empty file.

touch thirdfile.txt

To create multiple files using touch command-

touch thirdfile-1.txt thirdfile-2.txt

Create a file with cat command

To create a new file with cat command use redirection operator followd by file name.

This will allow to add content to the file

cat > fourthfile.txt

Cratea a file using echo command

To create a new file using echo command use redirection operator followed by file name will create empty file or add content before redirection operator to add content while creating a file.

echo "This is fifth file." > fifthfile.txt

Create a empty file with echo command

echo > sixthfile.txt