Last Updated on December 5, 2021 by sandeeppote

A runlevel is a categorization number that determines what services are started and
what services are stopped

Runlevel #NameDescription
0HaltAll services are shut down and the server is stopped
1Single User ModeThe root account is automatically logged in to the server and other users cannot log in to the server
2Multiuser ModeUsers can log in to the server through CLI and network service are not started
3Extended Multiuser ModeUsers can log in to the server through CLI and network service are started
4User DefinedUser can cusomize the runlevel
5Graphical ModeUser can log in through CLI and GUI with network services started
6RebootThe server is rebooted

Check the current runlevel use following command-


To see the default target

systemctl get-default

To change the default target use following command

systemctl set-default