Last Updated on March 27, 2024 by sandeeppote
Compress a file in Linux using tar command
To compress multiple files us tar command with cf option
tar -cf test.tar <<file1>> <<file2>> <<file3>>
To see the content of the tar files use tf option
tar -tf test.tar
To extract the contents from tar file use xf option-
tar -f test.tar
Use zcf command to reduce the file size
tar -zcf testzcf.tar <<file1>> <<file2>>
See the size of test.tar and testzcf.tar file. The content in the tar is same but the size of the testzcf.tar is reduced with zcf command
There are other utlitlies to reduce the file size i.e. to compress files
Use gzip to compress file-
gzip <<file>>
This created filename.gz file. See the size of the firstfile.txt when comperessed
You can also use bzip2 and xz to compress files
Decompress a file
To decompress the gzip file use gunzip command-
You can use bunzip2 and unxz to decompress file