Tag: OrderCloud Portal

Setup Sitecore OrderCloud headstart the docker way

There is quite a lot todo to setup, lets start-

Clone OrderCloud repository for Headstart

Clone the repository for HeadStart from here – https://github.com/ordercloud-api/headstart

Setup/Install Docker

Install Docker Desktop from here – https://docs.docker.com/desktop/

Switch to Linux containers

Stop IIS

Ensure you dont’ have Azurite insalled and listening to 10000, 10001 and 10002 ports

Ensure you dont have Azure Cosmos DB Emulator running on the machine as this will use 8081 port which will also be exposed by cosmos container.

Copy .env.template and save as .env (Will fill in the required details in .env file one by one)

Add the following records to your Hosts file buyer.headstart.localhost seller.headstart.localhost api.headstart.localhost

As this is set in .env file (you may change as per your requirement)

There will be quite a few issues coming our way and will try to note it here one by one and the solution for same-

Execute docker compose

Navigate to the working directory and execute following command-

 docker compose up -d

Following images and containers will be created as part of the headstart setup-

Cosmos DB

Storage (Azurite)


Seller App

Buyer App

Error 1- Uncompatible node version

0 2.885 Node.js version v12.20.0 detected.

0 2.885 The Angular CLI requires a minimum Node.js version of either v14.15, or v16.10.

See here how I resolved this error- Uncompatible node version

Error 2- Package installation must use TLS 1.2 or higher and Cannot read properties of null (reading ‘pickAlgorithm’)

0 47.60 npm notice Beginning October 4, 2021, all connections to the npm registry - including for package installation - must use TLS 1.2 or higher. You are currently using plaintext http to connect. Please visit the GitHub blog for more information: https://github.blog/2021-08-23-npm-registry-deprecating-tls-1-0-tls-1-1/

0 114.7 npm ERR! Cannot read properties of null (reading 'pickAlgorithm')

See here how I resolved this error- Package installation must use TLS 1.2 or higher

Errror 3-

#0 2.885 Node.js version v12.20.0 detected.
#0 2.885 The Angular CLI requires a minimum Node.js version of either v14.15, or v16.10.

 > [headstart-buyer:local-linux builder 9/9] RUN cd /build/APP && npm run build --prod:
#0 0.954 npm WARN config production Use `--omit=dev` instead.
#0 0.983
#0 0.983 > headstart@0.0.0 build
#0 0.983 > ng build --configuration=deploy && node scripts/hash-css-files && node scripts/move-release-scripts && node scripts/copy-main-js && node scripts/copy-index-html
#0 0.983
#0 11.70 - Generating browser application bundles (phase: setup)...
#0 16.88 Processing legacy "View Engine" libraries:
#0 17.75 - @ngx-translate/http-loader [es2015/esm2015] (git+https://github.com/ngx-translate/http-loader.git)
#0 18.98 - ngx-forms-typed [es2015/esm2015] (https://github.com/gparlakov/forms-typed)
#0 21.65 Encourage the library authors to publish an Ivy distribution.
#0 109.2 Killed
failed to solve: executor failed running [/bin/sh -c cd /build/APP && npm run build --prod]: exit code: 137

Not sure why this error but I ran following command instead-

docker-compose build --no-cache

Error 4 –

cannot write C:\Users\sande\AppData\Local\Temp\tmppxl_v0jp because server did not provide an image ID
ERROR: Service 'buyer' failed to build : Build failed


Set the latest nginx alpine base image in the Dockerfile as nginx:1.23.3-alpine. See the latest availabel bae image here – https://hub.docker.com/_/nginx

Change Dockerfile in this location headstart\docker\build\UI

Update nodejs-npm to just npm in the Dockerfile

Dockerfile should look like this-

Sometimes you may have to restart Docker Desktop

Error 5-

Error response from daemon: Ports are not available: exposing port TCP -> listen tcp bind: An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its 

The said port might be in use. This is mostly when IIS is running. Stop IIS.

Once you get thhrough these errors, should have following images downloaded and containers created-

Here you can see the warnings compalining few env variable values not set. This is next we are going to setup.

Unable to start Middleware container due to erros-

Also the middleware container has errors- (docker log <<middleware container>>

Unhandled exception. System.Exception: Required app settings are missing: StorageAccountSettings:ConnectionString or StorageAccountSettings:BlobPrimaryEndpoint
2023-03-17 16:28:21    at OrderCloud.Integrations.EnvironmentSeed.Extensions.ServiceCollectionExtensions.AddDefaultTranslationsProvider(IServiceCollection services, StorageAccountSettings storageAccountSettings) in /src/Middleware/integrations/OrderCloud.Integrations.EnvironmentSeed/Extensions/ServiceCollectionExtensions.cs:line 16

Check the Cosmos DB if its working on

Error 6- Check the COMOS DB evaluation period-

Stop and delete the COSMOS DB container and delete the image

Compose the containers again and should pull the image and start the COSMOS DB container again.

Error 7-

This is a timezone issue. Check this form ore detials-


Error 8-

failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c apk add --update nodejs nodejs-npm && npm install -g json" did not complete successfully: exit code: 1

Update docker to use this command instead-

RUN apk add --update nodejs npm && npm install -g json

Install and Setup Account in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer

See blof here – How to setup Storage Explorer for Sitecore OrderCloud Headstart Docker

Update the .env file-

Update StorageAccountSettings_ConnectionString to –

change storage to in the connections tring


Update StorageAccountSettings_HostUrl to –

Ensure the StorageAccountSettings_Key is correct –


For any environment changes use “docker compose down” and then “docker compose up -d”

Compile/Build the Headstart.sln

In the ServiceCollectionExtensions.cs file in OrderCloud.Integrations.EnvironmentSeed project

remove the condition for checking the BlobPrimaryEndpoint as it is not used and hence not required.

Same way if you are not using ExchangeRates, Tax Provider, payment Provider etc remove the values from .env file to avoid such errors. Following I have removed, you can add this later as and when required. Make the values for this variables empty


Recreate the middleware and container again. Delete the middleware image as the code is changes. We dont have the volume mounted hence for setup this way 🙂

docker rmi <<middleware image id>>

docker compose up -d

More errors-

Connection to Comos DB is failing-

2023-03-17 18:16:43 Application startup exception: System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (Connection refused (
2023-03-17 18:16:43  ---> System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: Connection refused (
2023-03-17 18:16:43  ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (111): Connection refused

Change CosmosSettings_EndpointUri in .env from “” to use localhost i.e.- change to –


Address not available (localhost:8081) – Cosmos DB address not available

2023-03-17 18:22:34 Application startup exception: System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (Address not available (localhost:8081))
2023-03-17 18:22:34  ---> System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: Address not available (localhost:8081)
2023-03-17 18:22:34  ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (99): Address not available


Change following in entrypoing.sh file located at – headstart\docker\build\middleware

i.e. instead of using $CosmosSettings_EndpointUri use $CosmosEndpointURI

this varaible contains the IP address of the comos db hosted. This can change everytime the container is created.

Change this - 
-e "this['CosmosSettings:EndpointUri']='$CosmosSettings_EndpointUri'" 
-e "this['CosmosSettings:EndpointUri']='$CosmosEndpointURI'"

Recreate the middleware image.

Now all the containers should be up and running

Middleware API is accessible at – http://api.headstart.localhost/index.html

Seed the OrderCloud Marketplace-

Create a Marketplace in OrderCloud portal-

Send post request to – http://api.headstart.localhost/seed

Request body should be, also see the template here –


  "Portal": {
    "Username": "your-portal-email@address.com",
    "Password": "XXXXXXXXX"
  "Marketplace": {
    "Environment": "sandbox",
    "Region": "Us-West",
    "ID": "ocdockerway",
    "Name": "ocdockerway",
    "InitialAdmin": {
      "Username": "demoadminuser",
      "Password": "XXXXXXXXX"
    "EnableAnonymousShopping": true,
    "MiddlewareBaseUrl": "http://api.headstart.localhost",
    "WebhookHashKey": "hashkey"

Error- “Message”: “Could not find a part of the path ‘/app/wwwroot\\i18n’.”,

Tried to debug this and seems some how the path is not correctly formed to upload the translations from /app/wwwroot\\i18n folder in container. Changed this to /app/wwwroot/i18n and the files are now uploaded to storage.

"Message": "Connection refused (",

Should now see the API Client created in OrderCloud-

Configure .env post seed

SELLER_CLIENT_ID="Enter the Default Headstart Admin UI Client ID"
BUYER_CLIENT_ID="Enter the Default Buyer Storefront Client ID"

OrderCloudSettings_MiddlewareClientID="Enter Middleware Integrations ClientID"
OrderCloudSettings_MiddlewareClientSecret="Enter Middleware Integrations secret"
OrderCloudSettings_ClientIDsWithAPIAccess="SELLER_CLIENT_ID, BUYER_CLIENT_ID"
OrderCloudSettings_MarketplaceID="Enter Marketplace ID" // ocdockerway
OrderCloudSettings_MarketplaceName="Enter Marketplace Name"

After setting the .env variables lets spin up the containers again-

docker compose up -d

Lets try to access http://seller.headstart.localhost/


In Buyer.sh and Seller.sh – -test.json update the supported language. This is a array but assigned as a string-

Change from this -
-e "this.supportedLanguages='$SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES'"


-e "this.supportedLanguages=$SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES" //Remove single quotes

Recreate Image and container for Seller and Buyer.

Now its loading Seller and Buyer app but wiht errors-

Configure CORS to Blob Containers

Following values in –

Allowed Origins- http://api.headstart.localhost

Also add this for the Seller and Buyer app url’s

Allowed Headers – x-ms-meta-data,x-ms-meta-target,x-ms-meta-abc

Exposed Headers – x-ms-meta-*

Following is the CORS added to Blob Containers-

Finally we have Seller and Buyer app loading without any errors-

Next start populating Catalog, Products etc.

Hope this blog is useful for setting the OrderCloud Headstart setup the dockerway


Setup Sitecore OrderCloud Headstart Seller UI – Part 3

Part 1 using offline Azure resource and Part 1 using online Azure resources gives a walkthrough on setting Sitecore Ordercloud Headstart pre-requisites. While Part 2 helps setup middleware.

In this blog we are setting the Sitecore Ordercloud Headstart UI for Seller

Step 1- Setup the UI project

Install node js – https://nodejs.org/en/download/

Open the Seller UI project in Visual Studio Code (prefered) from /src/UI/Seller folder

Step 2 – Change configuration defaultadmin-test.json

Navigate to – \src\UI\Seller\src\assets\appConfigs\defaultadmin-test.json

Change the highlighted values-

Change Client ID

This is a Seller Client ID. In Part 1 response to the seed also provided Seller Client ID.Use the same clinet id here


Goto the marketplace you have created earlier and API Client to copy the Default HeadStart Admin UI ID

Copy the ID in clientID below-

  "hostedApp": true,
  "marketplaceID": "ocdockertest",
  "marketplaceName": "Default Admin",
  "appname": "Default Admin",
  "clientID": "your-seller-client-id",
  "middlewareUrl": "https://localhost:5001",
  "translateBlobUrl": "",
  "supportedLanguages": ["en", "fr", "jp"],
  "defaultLanguage": "en",
  "blobStorageUrl": "",
  "orderCloudApiUrl": "https://sandboxapi.ordercloud.io"

Change the storage account created in Step 1

Keep everything else as is or you may change as per your configuration.

Step 3 – Change/Check the configuration environment.local.json

Navigate to \src\UI\Seller\src\environments\environment.local.ts

Change/Check useLocalMiddleware=true if not already set.

Change/Check localMiddlewareURL = ‘https://localhost:5001’

Step 4 – Setup the App Configuration either using appSettings or Azure App Configuration

Setup a App Configuration using appSettings.json

Use/Download the template here provided by Sitecore to setup the configuration

Create a json file on your local machine by copying the content in the template. In my case I have created OCHeadstartConfig.json. The template looks as below- Highlighted values are the minimum configuration required for Headstart project. Few of the configuration will come from the Seed step explained in Part-2Step 4 – Populate Ordercloud Markeplace with the seed request

Following configuration(highlighted) needs to be updated minimum to get the Headstart project working-





"ApplicationInsightsSettings:InstrumentationKey": "",
"AvalaraSettings:AccountID": "0",
"AvalaraSettings:BaseApiUrl": "https://sandbox-rest.avatax.com/api/v2",
"AvalaraSettings:CompanyCode": "",
"AvalaraSettings:CompanyID": "0",
"AvalaraSettings:LicenseKey": "",
"CardConnectSettings:Authorization": "",
"CardConnectSettings:AuthorizationCad": "",
"CardConnectSettings:BaseUrl": "cardconnect.com",
"CardConnectSettings:CadMerchantID": "",
"CardConnectSettings:Site": "fts-uat",
"CardConnectSettings:UsdMerchantID": "",
"CosmosSettings:DatabaseName": "",
"CosmosSettings:EnableTcpConnectionEndpointRediscovery": "false",
"CosmosSettings:EndpointUri": "",
"CosmosSettings:PrimaryKey": "",
"CosmosSettings:RequestTimeoutInSeconds": "15",
"EasyPostSettings:APIKey": "",
"EasyPostSettings:FreeShippingTransitDays": "3",
"EasyPostSettings:NoRatesFallbackCost": "20",
"EasyPostSettings:NoRatesFallbackTransitDays": "3",
"EnvironmentSettings:AppTimeoutInSeconds": "30",
"EnvironmentSettings:BuildNumber": "",
"EnvironmentSettings:Commit": "",
"EnvironmentSettings:Environment": "Test",
"EnvironmentSettings:MiddlewareBaseUrl": "",
"EnvironmentSettings:TaxProvider": "Avalara",
"FlurlSettings:TimeoutInSeconds": "40",
"OrderCloudSettings:ApiUrl": "https://sandboxapi.ordercloud.io",
"OrderCloudSettings:IncrementorPrefix": "DB_TEST",
"OrderCloudSettings:MarketplaceID": "<<market place id >>",
"OrderCloudSettings:MarketplaceName": "<<market place name>>",
"OrderCloudSettings:MiddlewareClientID": "<<Middleware ClientId>>",
"OrderCloudSettings:MiddlewareClientSecret": "<<middleware client secret>>",
"OrderCloudSettings:WebhookHashKey": "<<webhook key>>",
"OrderCloudSettings:ClientIDsWithAPIAccess": "<<Enter the Seller or Buyer ClientID's sperated with comma>>"
"SendGridSettings:ApiKey": "",
"SendgridSettings:BillingEmail": "",
"SendgridSettings:CriticalSupportEmails": "",
"SendgridSettings:CriticalSupportTemplateID": "",
"SendgridSettings:FromEmail": "",
"SendgridSettings:LineItemStatusChangeTemplateID": "",
"SendgridSettings:NewUserTemplateID": "",
"SendgridSettings:OrderSubmitTemplateID": "",
"SendgridSettings:PasswordResetTemplateID": "",
"SendgridSettings:ProductInformationRequestTemplateID": "",
"SendgridSettings:QuoteOrderSubmitTemplateID": "",
"SendgridSettings:SupportCaseEmail": "",
"SmartyStreetSettings:AuthID": "",
"SmartyStreetSettings:AuthToken": "",
"SmartyStreetSettings:RefererHost": "",
"SmartyStreetSettings:WebsiteKey": "",
"StorageAccountSettings:BlobContainerNameCache": "cache",
"StorageAccountSettings:BlobContainerNameExchangeRates": "currency",
"StorageAccountSettings:BlobContainerNameQueue": "queue",
"StorageAccountSettings:BlobContainerNameTranslations": "ngx-translate",
"StorageAccountSettings:BlobPrimaryEndpoint": "",
"StorageAccountSettings:ConnectionString": "<<copy Connectionstring from Storage explorer >>",
"UI:BaseAdminUrl": "",
"ZohoSettings:AccessToken": "",
"ZohoSettings:ClientId": "",
"ZohoSettings:ClientSecret": "",
"ZohoSettings:OrgID": "",
"ZohoSettings:PerformOrderSubmitTasks": "false"

Get the StorageAccount.Settings.ConnectionString from Storage Explorer-

Create appSettings.json file and copy the above configuration in the file.

appSettings.json file should be in Headstart.API project-

IMP – Check if the middleware applicaiton is running and listening to localhsot 5001 port. If not you should run the Headstart.Api before running UI application.

Setup a App Configuration using Azure App Configuration

Get the configuration connection string

Goto the Access Keys – Read-only keys tab and copy the connection string

Add a new Environment Variable named – APP_CONFIG_CONNECTION and copy the connection string in the Value.

Run the middleware application with the Demo profile.

IMP – If you see compiler error’s whilst running the application. See this blog for the resolution.

Step 5 – Run the Seller UI application

Now that we have all the required configuration checked and changed, time to run the Seller UI application

RUN – from the visual studio terminal or powershell

npm install
npm run start

Now we have Seller application runing on localhost:4200 port

Provide Admin Username and Password as noted in Part -1 of the blog Step 3- Prepare Seed Request

After successful login-

Also we can see the Seller Admin-

Hope you enjoyed setting Sitecore Ordercloud Headstart 🙂

Setup Sitecore OrderCloud Headstart project using Azure Resources – Part 1

Follow below steps to configure Sitecore Ordercloud Headstart middleware using Azure Resources

Step 1 – Setup a Azure App Configuration

Since we will be now setup a backend application (i.e. admin etc) the Client IDs and Client Secret that was create in Step 5 needs to be secured. This can be condifured in Azure App Configuration. See the link on how to setup this.

Use/Download the template here provided by Sitecore to setup the configuration

Create a json file on your local machine by copying the content in the template. In my case I have created OCHeadstartConfig.json. The template looks as below-

    "ApplicationInsightsSettings:InstrumentationKey": "",
    "AvalaraSettings:AccountID": 0,
    "AvalaraSettings:CompanyCode": "",
    "AvalaraSettings:CompanyID": 0,
    "AvalaraSettings:LicenseKey": "",
    "AvalaraSettings:BaseApiUrl": "https://sandbox-rest.avatax.com/api/v2",
    "StorageAccountSettings:ConnectionString": "",
    "StorageAccountSettings:BlobPrimaryEndpoint": "",
    "StorageAccountSettings:BlobContainerNameQueue": "queue",
    "StorageAccountSettings:BlobContainerNameCache": "cache",
    "StorageAccountSettings:BlobContainerNameExchangeRates": "currency",
    "StorageAccountSettings:BlobContainerNameTranslations": "ngx-translate",
    "CardConnectSettings:Authorization": "",
    "CardConnectSettings:AuthorizationCad": "",
    "CardConnectSettings:BaseUrl": "cardconnect.com",
    "CardConnectSettings:CadMerchantID": "",
    "CardConnectSettings:Site": "fts-uat",
    "CardConnectSettings:UsdMerchantID": "",
    "CosmosSettings:DatabaseName": "",
    "CosmosSettings:EnableTcpConnectionEndpointRediscovery": "false",
    "CosmosSettings:EndpointUri": "",
    "CosmosSettings:PrimaryKey": "",
    "CosmosSettings:RequestTimeoutInSeconds": "15",
    "EasyPostSettings:APIKey": "",
    "EasyPostSettings:FreeShippingTransitDays": "3",
    "EasyPostSettings:NoRatesFallbackCost": "20",
    "EasyPostSettings:NoRatesFallbackTransitDays": "3",
    "EnvironmentSettings:AppTimeoutInSeconds": "30",
    "EnvironmentSettings:MiddlewareBaseUrl": "",
    "EnvironmentSettings:BuildNumber": "",
    "EnvironmentSettings:Commit": "",
    "EnvironmentSettings:Environment": "Test",
    "EnvironmentSettings:TaxProvider": "Avalara",
    "FlurlSettings:TimeoutInSeconds": "40",
    "OrderCloudSettings:ApiUrl": "https://sandboxapi.ordercloud.io",
    "OrderCloudSettings:MiddlewareClientID": "",
    "OrderCloudSettings:MiddlewareClientSecret": "",
    "OrderCloudSettings:IncrementorPrefix": "DB_TEST",
    "OrderCloudSettings:WebhookHashKey": "",
    "OrderCloudSettings:MarketplaceID": "",
    "OrderCloudSettings:MarketplaceName": "",
    "SendGridSettings:ApiKey": "",
    "SendgridSettings:FromEmail": "",
    "SendgridSettings:CriticalSupportEmails": "",
    "SendgridSettings:SupportCaseEmail": "",
    "SendgridSettings:BillingEmail": "",
    "SendgridSettings:OrderSubmitTemplateID": "",
    "SendgridSettings:OrderApprovalTemplateID": "",
    "SendgridSettings:LineItemStatusChangeTemplateID": "",
    "SendgridSettings:QuoteOrderSubmitTemplateID": "",
    "SendgridSettings:NewUserTemplateID": "",
    "SendgridSettings:ProductInformationRequestTemplateID": "",
    "SendgridSettings:PasswordResetTemplateID": "",
    "SendgridSettings:CriticalSupportTemplateID": "",
    "SmartyStreetSettings:AuthID": "",
    "SmartyStreetSettings:AuthToken": "",
    "SmartyStreetSettings:RefererHost": "",
    "SmartyStreetSettings:WebsiteKey": "",
    "UI:BaseAdminUrl": "",
    "ZohoSettings:AccessToken": "",
    "ZohoSettings:ClientId": "",
    "ZohoSettings:ClientSecret": "",
    "ZohoSettings:OrgID": "",
    "ZohoSettings:PerformOrderSubmitTasks": "false"

Select the subscription and Resource group

Provide the Resource name in this case I have used OrderCloudHeadStartConfig

Select Location and Pricing tier.

Once the resource is created in the Import/Export option select –

Source service – Configuration file

For language – Other

File type- Json

Source file – *.json (auto selected)

Select the folder icon in Source file option and click Apply to import the configuration.

After the config file is imported navigate to “Configuration Explorer”. There are 63 config key values are imported but in template there are 64.

“SendgridSettings:OrderApprovalTemplateID”: “”, is not imported for due to some reason. Create a new manually if required. For the Demo this is not required.

Click on the values to see the values of the key that was imported-

Set the following values by Right clicking the keys. Copy this from Step 4 where the response was received from seed request-





Continue updating config in next section for Storage Account.

Step 2- Create a Azure Storage Account (if you already don’t have)

Create a Azure Storage Account

Follow the steps and set the configuration as per your requirements

Copy the storage account name and Storage connection string

Set StorageAccountSettings:BlobPrimaryEndpoint – https://yourstorageaccount.blob.core.windows.net/occontainer

Set StorageAccountSettings:ConnectionString

Thats in in this blog. In next blog will cover setting up the UI project.

Hope you are enjoying setting your Ordercloud Headstart project.

Process to delete Sitecore OrderCloud Marketplace

Admin User who created the Marketplace can delete and Transfer the Ownership of the Account. Where the ownership is transfered to the users cannot delete the Marketplace.

To delete the Marketplace you should have first created a Marketplace and login to the portal as Admin User having Full Access.

For creating your Marketplace see this blog.

Once you have logged in to the portal from Dashboard select the Marketplace you want to delete.

In this case lets delete the Marketplace with name “OrderCloud Blog Auto Generated ID”

Once you are in the Marketplace, you should see the option to Delete since you have FullAccess

Confirmation message is displayed. Click on Send Confirmation Code

A confirmation code is sent to your registered mail.

Once you select option to Send Confirmation Code, you should receive mail on your registered email address from noreply@four51.com.

The mail should have details of the Marketplace you are attempting ot delete along with the code

Use this code to confirm the deletion of Maretplace

And the deleted Marketplace is no more in the Dashboard-

Create your first Sitecore OrderCloud Marketplace

Login to the OrderCloud portal.


You will be shown the Dashboard and an option to create New Sitecore OrderCloud Marketplace

Step 1 – Select Region

While writing this blog there are 4 Regions avaialble for you to select. As per the document you should create Marketplace in Us-West region by default so as to seed using headstart. If you want to use regions other than Us-West you might have to request this to OrderCloud team.

Select region Us-West from the region option.

Step 2 – Autoselected Environment

By default the Sandbox environment is selected for you to try the OrderCloud. If you want to access Staging or Production contact OrderCloud team.

Step 3 – Provide Mareketplace ID [optional]

Provide the Marketplace Id if you want to have your own name. Id’s are Writable i.e. if you chose your ID OrderCloud will generate the same for you or you may let the OrderCloud auto generate the ID.

Chose the Marketplace ID

Step 4 – Provide Marketplace Name

Provide Marketplace name or description here. Click on Create Marketplace.

A new Marketplace will be created and you will be redirected to the Settings tab of the Marketplace with Instance details and other Basic info.

You should also see your newly created Marketplace in Dashboard

Now lets try creating a Marketplace with the same name in the same region i.e. Us-West

You can see OderCloud doesn’t allow to create a new Maretplace with the same name

If you also try creating a Marketplace with the same name in different region it wont allow-

Create a new Marketplace without providing the ID

A new Marketplace is created and OrderCloud gave it a Unique ID