Tag: development

Enums in Rust

Enum is a data type with mutiple possible variants. To declare an enum, write enum and use a code block with the options, separated by commas. These options are called as variants.

Define Enum


enum PaymentStatus{

Main Block

fn main() {
    let payment_status = PaymentStatus::Processing;
    println!("Enum - {:?}", payment_status);


Enum - Processing

Match Operator

Match operator compares a value to the series patterns to determine which code to execute.

fn main() {
     let payment_status = PaymentStatus::Processing;
    println!("Enum - {:?}", payment_status);

    //let status = {};
    match payment_status{
        PaymentStatus::Succeeded => println!("Payment compelte." ),
        PaymentStatus::Processing => println!("Payment processing."),
        PaymentStatus::Fail => println!("Payment failed! Please try again!"),        


Enum - Processing
Payment processing.

Enum Methods

Enum methods are plaved in the enum implementation i.e. imp <<Enum>>

Here we use wild card case ie. _ or the default match case.

Similar to a switch statement, Match operator compares a given value to a series of patterns to determine which code to execute.

impl PaymentStatus {
    fn after_payment_action(&self) -> &str{
        match *self {
            PaymentStatus::Succeeded => "UpdateERP",
            PaymentStatus::Processing => "Wait",
            PaymentStatus::Fail => "Block",
            _ => "NoChange"

fn main() {
    let payment_status = PaymentStatus::Processing;
    println!("Enum - {:?}", payment_status);

    let action = payment_status.after_payment_action();

    println!("After payment request action --> {}", action )



Enum - Processing
After payment request action --> Wait


Loops and conditional statement in Rust

Conditional Statement

An if expression is used to control which code gets executed based on conditions the program can evaluate at runtime.

Short hand to use if condition.

let y =true;
let x = if y {1} else {0};
println!("x is {}", x)


x is 1


Rust provides a loop keyword to indicate an infinite loop. Unless stopped manually or with a break staement, loop can go infinitely.

Infinite loop example. Manually stop the program

let mut count=0;

   count += 1;
   println!("count is {}", count)

break keyword

Immediately exit the loop and continue execution forward. The break statement can be used to prematurely exit all types of loop constructs.

Here once loop is at 10 it breaks the loop and continues further execution

let mut count=0;

   if count == 10{
      println!("breaking the loop on count  {}", count);
    count += 1;
    println!("count is {}", count);
println!("Continues execution.");


count is 1
count is 2
count is 3
count is 4
count is 5
count is 6
count is 7
count is 8
count is 9
count is 10
breaking the loop on count  10
Continues execution.

break with return

In the below code break can return the result or the reason the loop is stopped to the execution program.

let mut count=0;

let result = loop{
    if count == 10{
        println!("breaking the loop on count  {}", count);
        break count * 5
     count += 1;
     println!("count is {}", count);

println!("Count result is - {} * 5 = {}", count, result);


count is 1
count is 2
count is 3
count is 4
count is 5
count is 6
count is 7
count is 8
count is 9
count is 10
breaking the loop on count  10
Count result is - 10 * 5 = 50

Predicate (while) loop

Predicate loop that repeats a block of code while the condition is true. Begins by evaluating a boolean condition and breaks/completes when the condition is false. A while-loop repeats a block of code while a condition is true.

Here break statement can be used to terminate the loop but it doesnot return the value as comapred to loop

let mut count=0;
while count < 5 {
   count += 1;
   println!("count is {}", count);


count is 1
count is 2
count is 3
count is 4
count is 5

Iterator for loop

The for in construct can be used to iterate through an Iterator. One of the easiest ways to create an iterator is to use the range notation a..b. This yields values from a (inclusive) to b (exclusive) in steps of one.

For loops are mainly used to iterate over the items in a collection, and execute some code for each one so that you can process each item in the collection individually. If you need to repeat a block of code for a specific number of times that you know before starting the loop, you can use a ‘for’ loop to iterate over the range from zero to that value.

for n in 1..5{
   print!("{}\t", n)

loop 1..5, here 1 is inclusive while 5 is exclusive. Print! won;t print in new line.


1       2       3       4

user iter() methodto iterate over the list-

let message= ['r','u','s','t'];

for msg in message.iter(){
    print!("{}\t", msg)


r       u       s       t

Iterator with index

At times apart from the element in the array or list and index is required. This can be achieved by using enumerate() method

let message= ['r','u','s','t'];

for (index,msg) in message.iter().enumerate(){
     println!("item {} is {}", index, msg)


item 0 is r
item 1 is u
item 2 is s
item 3 is t

Nested loops

Example here taking row and columns and printing those values in a nested loop i.e. for loop(rows) wthin for loop(columns)

let matrix = [[1,2,3],[10,20,30], [100,200,300]];

for row in matrix.iter(){
    for col in row.iter(){
        print!("{}\t", col);


All the columsn are printed in same line while row in new line.

variable.iter() is used to iterate between rows and columns

1       2       3
10      20      30
100     200     300

Modify the value in for loop using iter_mut()

Sometimes value in the collection needs to be updated. This can be done by iterating and updating the values. To do so use iter_mut() function as follows-

let mut matrix = [[1,2,3],[10,20,30], [100,200,300]];

for row in matrix.iter_mut(){
   for col in row.iter_mut(){
         *col += 5;
         print!("{}\t", col);

Reference – https://dhghomon.github.io/easy_rust/Chapter_17.html

Notice here the iter_mut() method is used which give a reference to the mmeory allocated for the collection. In the next line *col is used to deference so that a addition operation can be performed.

Using * is called “dereferencing”.


6       7       8
15      25      35
105     205     305

Rust has two rules for mutable and immutable references. They are very important, but also easy to remember because they make sense.

  • Rule 1: If you have only immutable references, you can have as many as you want. 1 is fine, 3 is fine, 1000 is fine. No problem.
  • Rule 2: If you have a mutable reference, you can only have one. Also, you can’t have an immutable reference and a mutable reference together.


XM Cloud local environment – Setup local development instance

This blog post will guide you through the local environment setup for XM Cloud. You may refer this documentation to do this your own way. Althoug the documentation covers most of the setup, this blog post provides visual on the steps and errors with the resolution.


Once the Foundation Head from Sitecore Labs is forked s(se more details here) clone the copy to the local machine for creating a local instance required for XM Cloud development.


You can find the pre-requisite in this documentation. Ensure your machine has this before setting the local development environment. Just noting down here-


Also make sure you are using Docker v.2, as explained here.

Access to XM Cloud – This blog post assumes you have admin access to XM Cloud where you should be able to craete/update/delete projects environments and deployment in your organisation.

I have this ready on my machine.

1. Clone the forked Foundation head repo.

I named the folder same as the repo on my local machine i.e. xmcloud-foundation-head. the same will be refered thoruhg this post.

Will see the following folder structure after cloned.

I use Visual Studio Code to make any environment related changes. You may use either Visual Studio 2022 or your choice of editor.

2. Open the .env at the root folder and you will see REPORTING_API_KEY, TELERIK_ENCRYPTION_KEY etc. empty.

3. Start the containers.

Prepare the environment

Before doing so make sure you stop the IIS and check if the port 443 (IIS Website) and 8984 (Solr service)is not used and the docker is running in Windows Containers mode. If not switch to Windows cotainers.

iisreset /stop
Get-Process -Id (Get-NetTCPConnection -LocalPort 443).OwningProcess
Get-Process -Id (Get-NetTCPConnection -LocalPort 8984).OwningProcess

Stop-Service -Name "<the name of your service>"

Copy the license file to c:\license folder. If you wish to have this in other folder you also have to change the HOST_LICENSE_FOLDER in .env(root folder) with the path where the license resides.

To prepare the Sitecore container environment, run the script init.ps1 from the root directory of the project along with the license path and desired passowrd for your instance. this form the root folder from the downloaded the repo.

.\init.ps1 -InitEnv -LicenseXmlPath "C:\license\license.xml" -AdminPassword "b"

Required certificates added.

You may also noticed .env in root folder have added values in REPORTING_API_KEY, TELERIK_ENCRYPTION_KEY and MEDIA_REQUEST_PROTECTION_SHARED_SECRET, which was earlier empty.

Download the Sitecore Docker images, install and configure the containers and client application

Run the up.ps1 to download and install containers and client application


This is should download the images and start the containers

Once the containers are started, it should ask to confirm to login to Sitecore with the Device confirmation code. Confirm if this matches. It should also ask to login to XM Cloud isntance and confirm.

One this is done indexes will be rebuilt and the Sitecore instance should be up and running.

Also notice that any items in this case none is pushed to Sitecore instance and an api key is genereated with the name xmcloudpreview-

You may also notice a jss editing secret and SITECORE_API_KEY_xmcloudpreview are updated in .env fiel in root folder along with the Sitecore Admin password which was set whilst initialising the environment.

Your local instance should now be up and running-


The highlighted key shoulld match the key while spinning up the containers.

Taking down the containers

To take down the containers run the down.ps1 from the root folder.



Invoke-RestMethod : Unable to connect to the remote server

This should be ideally staright forward but if you see any issues whilst getting CM instance up and runing. take down the container with down.ps1 command and delete any docker network.

docker network prune

Hope this helps to setup local Sitecore instance for XM Cloud development.


Debug, inspect, test and run the request triggered by XM Cloud Webhook using ngrok

Sitecore Webhooks allows to receive real-time notification about events to the web api that can handle these requests.

In this blog post will see how to debug such handlers in local environment, events triggered by XM Cloud or from the local instance using ngrok.

What is ngrok?

ngrok allows to connect external netwroks in a consistent, secure and repeatable manner without changing any network configurations.


Sitecore Instance-

Either have a local Sitecore instance or XM Cloud instance. See how to setup local XM Cloud instance

Create a Webhook Handler(Web Api)

For this blog post I have created a simple Web Api with a endpoint /api/item/handler which receives POST requests with a Item payload and just return OK or Badrequest response.

We are going to create a Webhook with item:saved event in Sitecore.

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Sitecore.Webhook.Handler.Models;

namespace Sitecore.Webhook.Handler.Controllers;

public class ItemController : Controller
    public async Task<IActionResult> ItemHandler(ItemPayload? payLoad, 
        CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        if (payLoad == null)
            return BadRequest();

        // Process the item handler
        return Ok();

When I run this from VS the endpoint listens on the port 7024 for me.

Host Name:- https://localhost:7024/

Endpoint: /api/item/handler

Install ngrok on dev machine

Use choclatey to install ngrok on local machine

choco install ngrok

Check the ngrok once installed

ngrok -v

IMP– Antivirus might block executing the ngrok. For me I had to turn off the real time scan. Do this at your own risk based on your antivirus software this might be different.

Execute ngrok http command to listen to the api endpoint-

ngrok http --host-header="localhost:7024" https://localhost:7024

In this example https://1a319cf7d867.ngrok.app should forward request’s to https://localhost:7024 where the Web Api is running on my local machine.

Also note the Web Interface –

Create a Webhook Handler

Navigate to /sitecore/system/Webhooks and create a webhook handler. In this case will create a item:saved handler.

In the newly created handler select the event the webhook should trigger and call the endpoint created by nrgok (i.e. web api)

Setup the rule – “where the item is the Home item or onle of its descendants”

Means Home or any of its child items when saved this event will be triggered.

Also setup the Url the webhook should call when this event fires.

IMP – Ensure the handler is enabled or it won’t fire the event.

Save the Home or any of its child to fire the event

I changed a field in Home item and Saved the item-

Ensure your Web Api solution is running in debug mode.

And now you should be able to debug, inspect and test the handler. This was done in local Sitecore instance but can also be done in XM Cloud.

ngrok helps to forward the requests to the localy hosted web api running in debug mode.

Now you can handle what should happen on item:saved event.

XM Cloud

I did the same process in XM Cloud-

Updated the Home item and Saved. Note the item id

The event is fired and web api in my local machine is called-

Also the ngrok also shows the calls it is listening.

Web interface should also show the request and payload details-

Hope this helps debuging your Webhook requests fired from Sitecore local or XM Cloud.

If you want to see the webhook payload and perform further actions, like sending mails etc there are online tools availabl e-





Hope this helps.


XM Cloud local environment – Fork Foundation template

This is first part for setting up the XM Cloud local environment. As a part of this we will first fork the foundation template from reporsitory. This will help you setup sitecore local instance and head your own copy without affecting the Foundation head from Sitecore labs. Note this repo keeps updating and the steps below may differ after any updates.

This post refers following documentation is you want to do your own way-


Fork the XM Cloud Foundation Template source for initial deployment from following git repo-

To fork the same you need to have first have git account.

Follow the steps to fork the source code- https://github.com/sitecorelabs/xmcloud-foundation-head

Create a new fork –

Provide a valid repo name and create fork-

You should now a have a main branch forked in your account-

Setting up a Sitecore JSS development environment with the Containers template for Next.js

Follow steps in this link —


Following are thre pre-requisite for setting on your local machine-

Apart from this also install Sitecore JSS CLI-

npm install -g @sitecore-jss/sitecore-jss-cli

Install the template

dotnet new -i Sitecore.DevEx.Templates --nuget-source https://sitecore.myget.org/F/sc-packages/api/v3/index.json

dotnet new sitecore.nextjs.gettingstarted -n samplejss

Should first Restores dotnet local tools for the solution and Initializes the JSS project

What is your Sitecore hostname (used if deployed to Sitecore)? (samplejss.dev.local) << leave blank or provide the host name>>

How would you like to fetch Layout and Dictionary data? 

How would you like to prerender your application?

Which additional language do you want to support (en is already included and required)? << leave blank or type the language you want. should select da-DK by default and additional language>>

JSS application is now ready and updated for continerized environment.

Navigate to project folder and initialize the environment.

.\init.ps1 -InitEnv -LicenseXmlPath "<C:\path\to\license.xml>" -AdminPassword "<desired password>"
setx NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS C:\Users\sandeep\AppData\Local\mkcert\rootCA.pem

Execute up.ps1 to create containers-



CM is not coming up-

Checked the docker logs, and found this error-

The path is not set correctly. Need to escape the characters-


Change – entrypoint: powershell.exe -Command “& C:\tools\entrypoints\iis\Development.ps1” to entrypoint: powershell.exe -Command “& C:\\tools\\entrypoints\\iis\\Development.ps1” in docker-compose.override.yml file for xm1, xp0 and xp1

Take down all the containers and build again.

Now this should look fine-

Enter CM admin credentials and allow the access-

CM and App should load –

As of writing this post, this setup installed Sitecore 10.3.


Sitecore Asp.Net rendering with Content Resolver for Helix Examples Solution

In my previous post we saw how to create a simple rendering with data source.

For creating rendering using content resolver first follow the blog <<enter blog url here>>

Content resolvers help provice more complex data beyond the serialization of a component data source.

In this blog will list all the Articles on the page which are marked as Featured Article.

The custom logic for filtering will go in Content resolver.

Craete a project for Content Resolver(.net framework 4.8) . This framework is used just to follow with the exisitng content resolvers provided by Helix Examples Solution.

Content Resolver Project (BasicCompany.Feature.Articles.Platform)

Create a new .Net Framework project

Instead of creating new poroject I will copy the project from Navigation/Platform folder and rename it to BasicCompany.Feature.Articles.Platform.

Delete all the files from this project as it relates to Navigation. You may also want to change the AssemblyName and the AssemblyInfo file.

Create Models for Articles and Article

Create Models Folder and add below models


using Sitecore.Data.Items;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace BasicCompany.Feature.Articles.Models
    public class Articles
        public Item ArticlesPage { get; set; }

        public IList<Article> ArticleItems { get; set; }


using Sitecore.Data.Items;

namespace BasicCompany.Feature.Articles.Models
    public class Article
        public Item Item { get; set; }

        public Item ItemData { get; set; }
        public string Url { get; set; }

Create Service for ArticleBuilder and ArticleRootResolver

Create a new folder Services and following-

 public interface IArticleBuilder
        Articles.Models.Articles GetArticles(Item contextItem);

 public class ArticleBuilder : IArticleBuilder
        private readonly IArticleRootResolver _articleRootResolver;
        private readonly BaseLinkManager _linkManager;

        public ArticleBuilder(BaseLinkManager linkManager, IArticleRootResolver articleRootResolver)
            _articleRootResolver = articleRootResolver;
            _linkManager = linkManager;

        public Articles.Models.Articles GetArticles(Item contextItem)
            var articleRoot = _articleRootResolver.GetArticleRoot(contextItem);
            if (articleRoot == null)
                return new Articles.Models.Articles();

            return new Articles.Models.Articles()
                ArticlesPage = articleRoot,
                ArticleItems = GetArticleItems(articleRoot, contextItem)

        private IList<Article> GetArticleItems(Item articleRoot, Item contextItem)
            var items = new List<Item>();

            items.AddRange(articleRoot.Children.Where(item => item.DescendsFrom(Templates.ArticleItem.Id)));

            var articleItems = items.Select(item => new Article()
                Item = item,
                ItemData = item.Axes.GetDescendants().FirstOrDefault(itemData => itemData.DescendsFrom(Templates.ArticleItemData.Id)),
                Url = _linkManager.GetItemUrl(item)

            return articleItems;

 public interface IArticleRootResolver
        Item GetArticleRoot(Item contextItem);

namespace BasicCompany.Feature.Articles.Services
    public class ArticleRootResolver : IArticleRootResolver
        public Item GetArticleRoot(Item contextItem)
            if (contextItem == null)
                return null;
            return contextItem.DescendsFrom(Templates.ArticleRoot.Id)
                ? contextItem
                : contextItem.Axes.GetAncestors().LastOrDefault(x => x.DescendsFrom(Templates.ArticleRoot.Id));

Create Layout Service i.e. content resolver class

Create new folder LayoutServices and add following-

namespace BasicCompany.Feature.Articles.LayoutService
    public class ArticleContentResolver : Sitecore.LayoutService.ItemRendering.ContentsResolvers.RenderingContentsResolver
        private readonly IArticleBuilder _articleBuilder;

        public ArticleContentResolver(IArticleBuilder articleBuilder)
            _articleBuilder = articleBuilder;

        public override object ResolveContents(Rendering rendering, IRenderingConfiguration renderingConfig)
            var articles = _articleBuilder.GetArticles(this.GetContextItem(rendering, renderingConfig));

            var contents = new
                ArticleItems = articles.ArticleItems.Select(item => new
                    Item = item.Item,
                    ItemData = item.ItemData,
                    Serialized = base.ProcessItem(item.ItemData, rendering, renderingConfig)
                }).Select(article => new
                    Url = LinkManager.GetItemUrl(article.Item),
                    Id = article.Item.ID,
                    Fields = new
                        Title = article.Serialized[article.ItemData.Fields["Title"].Name],
                        Description = article.Serialized[article.ItemData.Fields["Description"].Name],
                        ShortDescription = article.Serialized[article.ItemData.Fields["ShortDescription"].Name],

            return contents;

Create Service Configurator to register the services-

namespace BasicCompany.Feature.Articles
    public class ServicesConfigurator : IServicesConfigurator
        public void Configure(IServiceCollection serviceCollection)
            serviceCollection.AddTransient<Services.IArticleBuilder, Services.ArticleBuilder>();
            serviceCollection.AddTransient<Services.IArticleRootResolver, Services.ArticleRootResolver>();

Create Template Class

Change the Item ID’s as per your Sitecore Instance

namespace BasicCompany.Feature.Articles
  public static class Templates
        public static class ArticleItem
            public static readonly ID Id = new ID("{EE5CE126-890D-4F01-9DD5-3D81FC397A91}"); //

        public static class ArticleItemData
            public static readonly ID Id = new ID("{8AA19CA1-99A6-4588-B1D7-3FA9A8F6756A}"); //

        public static class ArticleRoot
            public static readonly ID Id = new ID("{A46A11C6-C7F9-4F61-BF0C-FFF060F0FECC}"); //

Create App Config to register the ServiceConfigurator-

Create Feature.Articles.config file in App_Config/Include/Feature folder

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<configuration xmlns:patch="http://www.sitecore.net/xmlconfig/">
      <configurator type="BasicCompany.Feature.Navigation.ServicesConfigurator, BasicCompany.Feature.Navigation" />

Create Templates for Article

These templates are used to indicate the different level s of Article. i..e Article Page- will inherit from _ArticleRoot, ArticlePage will inherit from _ArticleItem and Article Content will inherit from _ArticleItemData

Sitecore Items

Create Rendering Content Resolver

Create a New “Rendering Contents Resolvers Folder” in /sitecore/system/Modules/Layout Service

Craete a New “Rendering Contents Resolver” in this folder.

Provide the type – BasicCompany.Feature.Articles.LayoutService.ArticleContentResolver, BasicCompany.Feature.Articles

Create Articles Json Rendering

Craete a neJson rendering name “Articles” and newly created content resolver in the “Rendering Contents Resolver” field.

Add the new rendering to the page

Publish items

Rendering Project

Create Models Articles.cs

using Sitecore.AspNet.RenderingEngine.Binding.Attributes;
using Sitecore.LayoutService.Client.Response.Model.Fields;

namespace BasicCompany.Feature.Articles.Models
    public class Articles
        public ContentListField<Article> ArticleItems { get; set; }

Create new view Articles.cshtml in /Views/Shared/Components/SitecoreComponent

@using Sitecore.AspNet.RenderingEngine.Extensions
@model BasicCompany.Feature.Articles.Models.Articles

<div class="container">
    <div class="product-list-columns columns is-multiline">
        @foreach (var article in Model.ArticleItems)
            <partial name="_ArticleList" model="article" />

Create _ArticleList.cshtml in Views/Shared folder

Note its using ItemLinkField

@model ItemLinkField<Article>

<a href="@Model.Url" class="column product-list-column is-4-desktop is-6-tablet">
    <div class="card">
        <div class="card-content">
            <div class="content">
                <h4 asp-for="@Model.Fields.Title"></h4>
                <p asp-for="@Model.Fields.ShortDescription"></p>

Update the RenderingEngineOptionsExtensions

namespace BasicCompany.Feature.Articles.Extensions
    public  static class RenderingEngineOptionsExtensions
        public static RenderingEngineOptions AddFeatureArticle(this RenderingEngineOptions options)

            return options;

Update Articles.modules.json to serialiaze content resolver

  "namespace": "Feature.Articles",
  "items": {
    "includes": [
        "name": "templates",
        "path": "/sitecore/templates/Feature/Articles"
        "name": "renderings",
        "path": "/sitecore/layout/Renderings/Feature/Articles"
        "name": "contents-resolvers",
        "path": "/sitecore/system/Modules/Layout Service/Rendering Contents Resolvers/Articles"

IMP – Ensure the Startup.cs has AddFeatureArticle() added in AddSitecoreRenderingEngine


List of Articles-

When we click on any of the Article take to the Article page-

The above pages are shown as per this structure in Sitecore

Debug Helix Examples solution using Asp.Net Rendering hosted in Docker Containers

See this blog to setup the development environment for Helix Examlpes using Docker

Open the solution from following location – \examples\helix-basic-aspnetcore

Open the containers tab and should list all the containsers with its status-

You may also use following command to check the status of contrianers-

docker ps

Lets debug the Navigation which has content resolver-

Right click the CD container and Attach to Process

Select Managed(.Net 4.x) debug type. Select w3wp.exe and click Attach.

Helix Examples Solution should now run in debug mode.

Build the solution, add a breakpoint to any of the resolvers (Header or Footer)

Refresh or visit the site – https://www.basic-company-aspnetcore.localhost/ and should be able to see the debugger-

Issues debuging or just building the solution-

Bad Gateway-

Solution- You may see the errors with command-

docker-compose logs -f rendering

Following log appears- binary is being used by another process. This is the issues with the dotnet watch with the docker

Solution- Restart the rendering container

This should bring up the site.

You can also watch the changes outside the docker. See here for more details-


Sitecore Headless Development with ASP.NET Rendering SDK – Helix Examples Solution – The Docker Way

This blog will give a quick overview of setting development environment for Headless Development with ASP.Net Rendering SDK using the Helix Examples and the docker.

Although there are videos and blogs around same I will do a quick walk through on setting Helix Examples and any errors I faced whilst setting up the environment.

Refer the following for same – https://github.com/Sitecore/Helix.Examples/tree/master/examples/helix-basic-aspnetcore

Install .Net Core 3.1


Install .Net core 3.1 on your machine and this is required to create any rendering or platform projects later to extend the Helix Examples Solution or compiling the existing code.

Install Docker Desktop on Windows


Run this on Hyper-V mode and Switch to Windows Containers

Install Visual Studio Code and Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition



Whilst installing Visual Studio 2022 select the .Net Framework project and templates option as the platform projects uses .Net Framework 4.8 version. This will also help further if you want to extend the solution.

Install and Configure Windows Terminal (optional)




Install Windows Terminal, refer above link and if you fancy applying the themes, although this is optional.

Install git


Clone Helix Examples Solution



Initialise the config

Navigate to \examples\helix-basic-aspnetcore and run following-

.\init.ps1 -LicenseXmlPath C:\<<path to license>>\license.xml -SitecoreAdminPassword "b"

This should initalise teh .env file and fill in the values of the variables for License and Admin Password. Also it will populate other variables.

Build Images

Once the config are initialised run folowing command-


Once all the images are downloaded and built along with solution login to CM should will be asked.

Login to the CM and Allow access to Sitecore API and Offline Access

Once this done the CD and CM app should be ready along with the data been synched.

Check the logs for any errors in rendering with following command-

docker-compose logs -f rendering

Access Application

Site can be accessed with the following url –

Sitecore Content Management: https://cm.basic-company-aspnetcore.localhost/sitecore/

Sitecore Identity Server: https://id.basic-company-aspnetcore.localhost

Basic Company site: https://www.basic-company-aspnetcore.localhost

Use following to stop/remove containers-

docker compose down

Issues while building the images

Error response from daemon: Unrecognised volume spec: file ‘\\.\pipe\docker_engine’ cannot be mapped. Only directories can be mapped on this platform


Disable Docker Compose V2 using command or in Docker Desktop-

docker-compose disable-v2

or Uncheck the “Use Docker Compose V2” option


Install Ganache for Solidity development

Ganache is the development tool used to run local blockchain for Ethereum development.

Ganache can be used to deploy the contract to local Blockchain. Its a simutated environemnt like Javascript VM when developing on Remix. It helps spin up a local Blockchain.

Ganache UI

Install the Ganache from following location-


Click the QUICKSTART to get started with Ethereum. By default Ethereum is selected. Ganache can also be used for Corda development

The next screen shows the local Blockchain with the Accounts having 100 ETH and ready to receive the contracts and transactions.

Options in Ganache in later post.

Ganache CLI-

Similar to Ganache UI the local Blockchain node can be setup using CLI.

Install nodejs – https://nodejs.org/en/download/

Check the version of node js

node -v

Install yarn

npm install --global yarn

Install Ganache CLI

yarn global add ganache-cli

Verify installation by checking the version

ganache-cli --version
Ganache CLI v6.12.2 (ganache-core: 2.13.2)

Use following command to see the Accounts, Transactions, Contracts etc in command line same as UI.

ganache-cli --deterministic

For more CLI options see –


Start deploying Contracts, signing and sending transactions to the local Blockchain.

To use Blockchain as a service use-

