Last Updated on January 12, 2025 by sandeeppote
If this is the first time you are using Rust you will have to install Rust on your Windows machine.
To install see this link –
Check the version of Rust-
rustup --version
Check the version of Rsut compiler
rustc --version
Create a Rust project using Cargo
Cargo is a build and package manager.
For creating a new Rust project using Cargo package manager-
cargo new first_rust_prj
This should create follwoing folder structure with and Cargo.toml (configuration) file.
You can create a project without using Cargo. Create a src directory and create appropriate Cargo.toml namually. To create toml file use init command
cardo init
Building and Running Cargo project
Build the Cargo project using following command-
cargo build
To compile and run directly from the project folder, use following command-
cargo run
Error compiling the project-
error: linker link.exe
not found
So the pre-requisite for windows machine is to have MS C++ build tools. Install the smae from here. It should be around 5 GB.
Now this should run the project –
To check the code without producing an executable use follwoing command-
cargo check
Building for Release
Use following command when project is ready for release-
cargo build --release