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Siecore Send – Setup re-direction to a custom webpage after unsubscription

To setup subscription and un-subscription see this blog

In this case I am setting up the Newsletter mailing list if user un-subscribed redirects to the custom page.

Navigate to the mailing list to setup the unsubscription redirect page-

Select Set your settings option

Enter the Redirect page URL –

When the user unsubscribes to the email list, it will be re-drected to your custom page.

When the user unsubscribes to the mailing list-

Will be redirected to the configured custom page instead of standard Sitecore page.


Sitecore CDP – Send Checkout Event

The CHECKOUT event captures a guest’s action of checking out an order.

After you send this event, you can view the event in the guest profile.

API url for CHECKOUT event


Request payload for CHECKOUT event

In the session event you should be able to see the Purchase Complete event with the Order Number where the customer completed the checkout.

This should help to get the revenue earned.

cURL code snippet-

curl --location -g --request GET '<<Client Key>>&message={"channel":"WEB","type":"CHECKOUT","language":"EN","currency":"GBP","page":"home page","pos":"pastoral-witty-grill","browser_id":"7ed103bd-08c2-47f4-8f69-91141ca3200d","status":"PURCHASED","reference_id":"ORDER_1"}'

C# code snippet-

var client = new RestClient("<<Client Key>>&message={\"channel\":\"WEB\",\"type\":\"CHECKOUT\",\"language\":\"EN\",\"currency\":\"GBP\",\"page\":\"home page\",\"pos\":\"pastoral-witty-grill\",\"browser_id\":\"7ed103bd-08c2-47f4-8f69-91141ca3200d\",\"status\":\"PURCHASED\",\"reference_id\":\"ORDER_1\"}");
client.Timeout = -1;
var request = new RestRequest(Method.GET);
IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);

Python code snippet-

import http.client

conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("")
payload = ''
headers = {}
conn.request("GET", "/v1.2/event/create.json?client_key=<<Client Key>>&message=%7B%22channel%22:%22WEB%22,%22type%22:%22CHECKOUT%22,%22language%22:%22EN%22,%22currency%22:%22GBP%22,%22page%22:%22home%20page%22,%22pos%22:%22pastoral-witty-grill%22,%22browser_id%22:%227ed103bd-08c2-47f4-8f69-91141ca3200d%22,%22status%22:%22PURCHASED%22,%22reference_id%22:%22ORDER_1%22%7D", payload, headers)
res = conn.getresponse()
data =



Sitecore CDP – Send Confirm Event

The CONFIRM event captures the confirmation of purchased products.

Use the following endpoint for sending the confirm event.


ADD event

See how to create a browser id and Add Event before a confirm event is sent.


Search Customer by browserid or Name.

You should be able to see the customer Online at that point odf instance

Click on Timeline and View Session details

Get the session details and should see the Order Confirmed event

Clieck on the settings icon to see more details-

cURL code snippet-

curl --location -g --request GET '<<Client Key>>&message={"channel":"WEB","type":"CONFIRM","language":"EN","currency":"GBP","page":"home page","pos":"pastoral-witty-grill","browser_id":"7ed103bd-08c2-47f4-8f69-91141ca3200d","product":[{"item_id":"EXACT_90"}]}'

C# code snippet-

var client = new RestClient("<<Client Key>>&message={\"channel\":\"WEB\",\"type\":\"CONFIRM\",\"language\":\"EN\",\"currency\":\"GBP\",\"page\":\"home page\",\"pos\":\"pastoral-witty-grill\",\"browser_id\":\"7ed103bd-08c2-47f4-8f69-91141ca3200d\",\"product\":[{\"item_id\":\"EXACT_90\"}]}");
client.Timeout = -1;
var request = new RestRequest(Method.GET);
IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);

Python code snippet-

import http.client

conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("")
payload = ''
headers = {}
conn.request("GET", "/v1.2/event/create.json?client_key=<<Client Key>>&message=%7B%22channel%22:%22WEB%22,%22type%22:%22CONFIRM%22,%22language%22:%22EN%22,%22currency%22:%22GBP%22,%22page%22:%22home%20page%22,%22pos%22:%22pastoral-witty-grill%22,%22browser_id%22:%227ed103bd-08c2-47f4-8f69-91141ca3200d%22,%22product%22:%5B%7B%22item_id%22:%22EXACT_90%22%7D%5D%7D", payload, headers)
res = conn.getresponse()
data =



Sitecore CDP Intergration Series

Sitecore CDP and Personalize FAQs

How to get the Client Key and API Token?

How to create and get the point of sale?

How to debug?

How to get the base URL for Sitecore CDP Rest API?

What is the latest version of Javascript Library?

How to get Fullstack Experience friendly id?

What if the size of the compressed batch file exceeds the max limit i.e. 50MB?

Why I recieve HTTP 400 response when uploading the batch file?

Why I recieve HTTP 409 response when uploading the batch file?

How to delete a guest profile without using Batch API?

What access do you need to setup the Point of sale for Sitecore CDP and Personalize?

How to generate the browser id using postman?

Integrate using direct HTTP requests

Sending VIEW Event using direct HTTP requests

Send IDENTITY Event using direct HTTP request

Send ADD Event using direct HTTP request

Send CONFIRM Event using direct HTTP request

Send CHECKOUT Event using direct HTTP request

Upload guest data

Abandon cart with force close event


Gracefully handle user subscription using Sitecore Send

In this blog will walk you through on implementing subscribing and ubsubscribing user from the mail list using Sitecore Send

Use hostname-

Subscribing a user to a mailing list

Api endpoint to subscribe a user to a mailing list


Subscribe Code

function SubscribeNewsletter(){

              let email = document.getElementById("newsletteremail");

              if (email.value == "") {
                alert("Ensure you input a value in both fields!");
              } else {
                // perform operation with form input
                var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
      'POST', '{maillist}/subscribe.json?apikey={apikey}');
                request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
                request.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json');
                request.onreadystatechange = function () {
                  if (this.readyState === 4) {
                    console.log('Status:', this.status);
                    console.log('Headers:', this.getAllResponseHeaders());
                    console.log('Body:', this.responseText);
                var body = {
                  'Name': 'Sandeep Pote',
                  'Email': email.value,
                  'HasExternalDoubleOptIn': false
                email.value = "";
                alert("User subscribed to newsletter")

Unsubscribe a user from a mailing list

Api endpoint to un-subscribe a user to a mailing list


Unsubscribe Code-

function UnSubscribeNewsletter(){

              let email = document.getElementById("optout-newsletteremail");

              if (email.value == "") {
                alert("Ensure you input a value in both fields!");
              } else {
                // perform operation with form input
                var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
      'POST', '{maillist}/unsubscribe.json?apikey={apikey}');
                request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
                request.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json');
                request.onreadystatechange = function () {
                  if (this.readyState === 4) {
                    console.log('Status:', this.status);
                    console.log('Headers:', this.getAllResponseHeaders());
                    console.log('Body:', this.responseText);
                var body = {
                    'Email': email.value,                  
                email.value = "";
                alert("User subscribed to newsletter")

Looks simple, but you might see when the user un-subscribed from a mailing list the user is never sent a mail from other mailing list or any other transactional mail.

Set user to unsubscribe from a specific mailing list

To allow only to unsubscribe from the a specific mailing list update a Unsubscribe setting-

For this goto Settings –> Set your account settings in Sitecore Send and check the Unsubscribe settings

Select option- When unsubscribing users from a list send to them from other mailing lists

Now the user will be only unsubscribed from the specific mailing list and sending mails from the Other mailing list of capaign should be possible.

This setting is very important whilst working with Sitecore send.



Sitecore CDP – Abandon cart with force close event

You can force close event to test Abandon Cart. This works only in non-prod environments.

Assumption- An identified guest which is active and has added products in cart.

If you are corectly tracking you should see in the timeline Session and event a Product been added.

So whilst developing if you want to force close this session, since you might not want to wait for 20 minutes for session to expire or whatever time is set to expire the session, you can force close the session to see or perform the next steps if the cart is been abandoned.

The force close event can be triggered by providing message type as FORCE_CLOSE in the payload.

Send the payload to this endpoint. For more details on what should be the apiEndpoint and client key see this blog


var browser_id = pm.environment.get("browserId") -- browser id
var pointOfSale = pm.environment.get("PointOfSale") -- point of sale

var message = {    
    "channel": "WEB",
    "type": "FORCE_CLOSE",
    "language": "EN",
    "currency": "GBP",
    "page": "home page",
    "pos": pointOfSale,
    "browser_id": browser_id

postman.setEnvironmentVariable("message", JSON.stringify(message));

Since the session is now closed we can see the Abandoned Revenue. Further reminder mails can be sent to user to complete the purchase on the abandoned cart.

Hope this helps.


Sitecore CDP – Upload guest data

Prepare guest data file to upload

Prepare Json file

Take a sample guest data from here

Sample data guest looks like this-

      "firstName": "Eager",
      "lastName": "Benz",
      "email": "",
      "firstName": "Goofy",
      "lastName": "Trovalds",
      "email": "",

Load the data in json file. Note that the above is a single row in a json and repeat the rows to upload multiple guets. This is not a json formatted file and should not have “,” to seperate rows as normally json file has. Highlighted email is important to identify the customer and add/update the extended data. This depends on the rule setup for your environment to identify the customer.

gzip the json file to upload


tar -czvf guest-upload.gz .\guest-upload.json

Generate MD5 File Checksum

Upload the gzip file to generate the check sum on this url –

Prepare Pre-signed Request

Create a new guid for the below batch upload. This guid will be used to know the status of the batch upload.<<your guid>>

Request body –

    "checksum": "aaab5899b405bc3cb1d9b*******",
    "size": 412

Setup the Basic Auth before sending the request-

Request after setting up Authentication and body-


location – where the file needs to be uploaded. Will see this is next request where we actually upload file.

expiry – date time until the location to upload file is valid

The response should be saved in environment with uploadURL and batchRef variable-

Upload file

Upload URL request should contain the URL received from the pre-signed request-

Set the headers-

x-amz-server-side-encryption – AES256

Content-Md5 – <<Hex to Base checksum value>>

Content-Md5 is the Hex to Base64 converted value of checksum

Use this url to convert to base64-

Request Headers should look like this-

The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.

Send request to the provided URL with the attached gzip file and headers. Response 200 Ok

Check the status of the uploaded file-{{batchRef}}

The upload is queued and may take time depending on the items queued.

With the below request it shows the upload request is processing.

This request took almost 2 hours to complete, and the response here is error where 1 of the guets is updated but opther failed.

This is the log, where you should be able to rectify any errors in json file-

Lets check the other guest if available in portal-




Send Abandoned Cart email using Sitecore Send Automation

Sitecore Send lets you automate your communication with customers by identifying specific situations that trigger the sending of an email message

In this blog lets create automated mails using automation recipes.

For more details see this link.


Ensure the website is configured and verified before using the automation. See this blog. For this blog post I am using –

Create automation using Abandoned Cart automation recipe

Navigate to Automation link and create new automation using recipe-

Select Abandoned cart recipes-

Will be shown the Abandoned Cart Workflow-

Choose Trigger option-

Select- Trigger every time option

Select your website from dropdown and Save. Only verified website will be visible here. You may also choose all sites.

Open wait operation-

For testing I have selected 5 minutes. Ideally this can be few hours/days as per the requirement or enter specific date. By default it is 45 minutes. Enter the wait time and Save.

Setup the filter

Select apply this filter to mailing list. I have selected the email list of the site, you may select different list.

Enter the product if you wish to or leave empty.

Click on “Add a collection”.

Select the time if the product is not purchased for certain time. I have entered 6 minutes. Enter the details and Save.

Select “Added a Product To Cart” and filter value. In this I have added product “Americano”.

Select timer and enter the wait time to 6 minutes and Save

Select the action

In this case Send the mail to user if the product is not purchased in selected time.

Select Send Mail campaign-

Enter the subject, From address, mail body. Select Emails per day. Save once this option is filled.

Activate the “Abandoned Cart” automation-

Automation List with activated

Once the automation configuration is complete will now add product to cart. the product name here is “Americano” as selected in filter.

In the installation script you can find the details on how to add the product to cart.

function addToCart(){
                // mandatory - a unique code for the product, like its SKU
                    var itemCode = 'Americano';
                    // mandatory - the name / title of this product
                    var itemName = 'Iced Americano';
                    // mandatory - the image url of this product
                    var itemImage = '';
                    // mandatory - the price of this product
                    var itemPrice = 10.25;
                    // mandatory - the url to get to the relevant product page
                    var itemUrl = '';
                    // mandatory
                    var itemQuantity = 1;
                    // mandatory - the total price for purchasing the given quantity of this product
                    var itemTotalPrice = 10.25;
                    // optional - the category of this product
                    var itemCategory = 'Drinks';
                    // optional - the manufacturer, brand name or company / owner of this product (if any)
                    var itemManufacturer = 'Acme Co';
                    // optional - the supplier of this product (if any)
                    var itemSupplier = 'Supplier Co';

                    // you can add custom properies and later use them in segmentations or automations
                    // You can track things like the color or the sze of the t-shirt in this case
                    var extraProps = {'flavor': 'Chocolate', 'type': 'Iced'};

                    // Tracking add to cart events with mandatory arguments
                    mootrack('trackAddToOrder', itemCode, itemPrice, itemUrl, itemQuantity, itemTotalPrice);

                alert("Added to cart event fired");

Hook the Add to cart to button-

<button class="button" onclick="addToCart()">Add to cart</button>

The site looks like this with the “Add To Cart” button

Website confirm the event was triggered.

In the automation list you can see the automation been Triggerd-

Once this is triggered you can see the next operation Wait for 5 minutes-

A mail should be triggerd after 6 minutes. Since the product is still in cart and not purchased.

After 5 minutes all the actions should be triggered.

Once all the actions are triggered should receive the mail-

Thats it for this blog. We have managed to trigger a automation event and send themail to the users who have product in the cart and not purchased e.e. Abandoned Cart.


Run Bitcoin full test node in Linux

This installation is performed on freshly installed Ubuntu system.

sudo apt update
snap install bitcoin-core

This should install Bitcoin Core on Ubuntu machine-

But lets not use GUI for this and setup test node using Bitcoin Daemon.

Bitcoin daemon should be installed in root folder and the executable can be found on this path- /snap/bitcoin-core/141/bin

Use below command to find the version of the daemon-

bitcoin-core.daemon --version

Run command –


Here the last line its expecting a bitcoin.conf file in location- /home/sandy/snap/bitcoin-core/common/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf. This oath might be different for you.

Create a bitcoin.conf file at this location and paste in following to configure bitcoin daemon to run in test node.

Set the chain=test

set path to blocksdir and datadir

set txindex=1 to index the transaction

Set rpcuser and rpcpassword to use JSON rpc api

server=1 tells Bitcoin-QT to accept JSON-RPC commands.

# [chain]
# Test Network.

# [core]
# Specify a non-default location to store blockchain data.
# Specify a non-default location to store blockchain and other data.

# Options only for mainnet

# Options only for testnet

# Options only for regtest





Maintain a full transaction index, used by the getrawtransaction rpc
call (default: 0)

Password for JSON-RPC connections

Username for JSON-RPC connections

Run following command to run the daemon in test node. This will download the data which is around 29gb at the time of writing this blog.

bitcoin-core.daemon -txindex -rpcuser=your_rpc_user -rpcpassword=your_rpc_pwd

This should now start the daemon and will check if the data is available, if not this should start download the blocks.

First it wll pre-Synchronize the block headers and then start Synchronizing headers. At the time of writing this blog there are around 2428000 blocks in test node.

Once synchronizing is complete it should start downloading and indexing blocks-

2023-07-23T15:14:46Z UpdateTip: new best=0000000000002f4ee789f0bd19066bccd78172ca71995505996fbff1a3341eac height=271984 version=0x00000002 log2_work=60.719797 tx=2107245 date=’2014-08-05T09:37:28Z’ progress=0.031835 cache=337.4MiB(2518207txo)

Here the height is the block it has synchronised and the progress. When the progress is near to 1 it will come to completion of synchronising the node.

In the above example 0000000000002f4ee789f0bd19066bccd78172ca71995505996fbff1a3341eac is a block hash

progress when near to 1 means it about to complete synchronising all blocks.

A new folder called testnet3 will be created in .bitcoin folder – This should be in user folder and not root folder.

For me it took less than 2 hours to sync all blocks.

2023-07-23T16:55:23Z UpdateTip: new best=0000000000000022020dfc2655e4489eb54a8ae306080a47d1fa0be46e0c43a8 height=2443382 version=0x31636000 log2_work=75.416383 tx=66092181 date='2023-07-23T16:40:35Z' progress=0.999999 cache=479.2MiB(3458766txo)
2023-07-23T16:56:04Z New outbound peer connected: version: 70015, blocks=2443382, peer=76 (block-relay-only)
2023-07-23T17:00:42Z Saw new header hash=0000000000001019c41ee044adf1c02d347ed52d875eefeb8e629f0a5baa4a8b height=2443383
2023-07-23T17:00:42Z [net] Saw new cmpctblock header hash=0000000000001019c41ee044adf1c02d347ed52d875eefeb8e629f0a5baa4a8b peer=3
2023-07-23T17:00:42Z UpdateTip: new best=0000000000001019c41ee044adf1c02d347ed52d875eefeb8e629f0a5baa4a8b height=2443383 version=0x29e7a000 log2_work=75.416383 tx=66092225 date='2023-07-23T17:00:37Z' progress=1.000000 cache=479.2MiB(3458790txo)

The last block to sync was 2443382

It also listens to any new block been created on chain- 2443383 which happened after 5 minutes. See highlighted.

Quick check-

Pick the block – 2443383

bitcoin-core.cli -rpcuser=xxxx -rpcpassword=xxxxx getblockhash 2443382

It should print the hash-


Take this hash and use command to get block

bitcoin-core.cli -rpcuser=xxxxxx -rpcpassword=xxxxx getblock 0000000000000022020dfc2655e4489eb54a8ae306080a47d1fa0be46e0c43a8

Output – should show details of the block along with the transactions- I have trimmed the transactions here due to space.

  "hash": "0000000000000022020dfc2655e4489eb54a8ae306080a47d1fa0be46e0c43a8",
  "confirmations": 2,
  "height": 2443382,
  "version": 828596224,
  "versionHex": "31636000",
  "merkleroot": "9e0403fef59a803426851f3c428306c15d81360f665f37cc62549825056c6823",
  "time": 1690130435,
  "mediantime": 1690129060,
  "nonce": 2392034863,
  "bits": "192495f8",
  "difficulty": 117392538.8721802,
  "chainwork": "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000aad36ccc3b8310b4b65",
  "nTx": 26,
  "previousblockhash": "000000000000000b994cbbfe015d77aaa70140af817b6d28d228da690d1ce4da",
  "nextblockhash": "0000000000001019c41ee044adf1c02d347ed52d875eefeb8e629f0a5baa4a8b",
  "strippedsize": 5511,
  "size": 8258,
  "weight": 24791,
  "tx": [


bitcoin-core.cli -rpcuser=xxxx -rpcpassword=xxxxx getrawtransaction b96a95b85e2ec270b471afded7d49c7db46d5002ac43de0bbcc13a4dd972f763



This confirms that the blocks are indexed as the getrawtransaction looks for node and not your own wallet transaction.

How to get transaction details will put that in another blog.

Hope this helps to configure full test node on your system.


To run the daemon blockonly option – 

bitcoind -daemon -blocksonly

.By default, bitcoind relays transactions while you’re syncing and using -blocksonly turns that off. It probably won’t make a huge difference but should save you some bandwidth. 

Increase dbcache

-dbcache= The default for this is 450. If you have 8GB of RAM, you could set this to 4096