To add Favicon to the site, navigate to the site settings-
Select the icon for your site in Favicon field.
Sitecore Consultant. Sitecore MVP 2021 - 2024
To add Favicon to the site, navigate to the site settings-
Select the icon for your site in Favicon field.
Sitecore uses placeholders to render components which allows to dynamically assemble the page layout. This allows the content editors to design specific pages.
When using MVC layout and BootStrap grid, SXA adds additional DIV when a placeholder is used.
For e.g. if you see the views/sxalayout/Bootstrap4Body.cshtml file. If has a placeholders header, main and footer.
Page is rendered with the header, main and footer tags having placeholders within.
These placeholders is wrapped with a div tag when rendered with class row.
Problem– Extra div tag with class row might not be required or if you don’t to have this as part of your markup. How to remove div tag?
Solution –
The configuration to exclude the placeholder wrappers is in Sitecore.XA.Foundation.Grid.config
Any custom or OOTB placeholders can be added to placeholderWrapper/exlcudedPlaceholders list
Best Practice – Never modify the OOTB config’s as this can be changed in the future releases and upgrades. Patch the config instead.
Patch file should look something like this-
Resulting to the entry added in excludePlaceholders list and the div been not rendered-
Hope this helps
If you see this error whilst installing Sitecore 9.0.2 the issue might be due to multiple certificates been issues.
In this case delete both certificates listed –
Get-ChildItem Cert:\LocalMachine\Root\<<Thumbprint>> | Remove-Item
Try the installation again
Check and remove – DO_NOT_TRUST_SitecoreRootCert if its expired from Local Computer and Current User.
Also remove the same form the dis mainly from C:\certificates
To install Docker Engine, you need the 64-bit version of one of these Ubuntu versions:
To check the OS version of Linux, use-
cat /etc/*release*
Check if you have already install docker on machine-
docker --version
Uninstall the older version of Docker if you have any, to do so-
sudo apt-get remove docker docker-engine containerd runc
Install Repository
Before the docker is installed setup the docker repository-
User Application Package Tool (APT) to install supporting packages for Docker. Use following commands-
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install \
apt-transport-https \
ca-certificates \
curl \
gnupg \
Add Docker’s official GPG key:
GPG or GNU Privacy Guard is a public key cryptographic implementation and is used for allowing secure transmission of information between source and destination
curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg
Install Docker Engine
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli
This installs the latest version of docker on OS.
Check the latest version of docker
docker --version
Reference documents-
Asset optimizer helps improve the performance in production site by compressing/minifying the CSS and JS.
Minification of assets helps to cut the unnecessary portions of code and reduce the size of file to boost the performance by reducing amount of data over the internet.
Sitecore administrators can enable/disable optimizer globally of to a specific site.
Enable/Disable the Asset Optimizer globally
Enabling or disabling optimizer globally affects all the sites configured in the Sitecore instance.
To change the optimiser settings navigate to following location. This is accessible to Administrators-
/sitecore/system/Settings/Foundation/Experience Accelerator/Theming/Optimiser
You can also search “optimiser”-
If you can’t find this you may have to re-index master.
Select Scripts or Styles to change the settings
Modes of Optimizations
Concatenate And Minify Mode
When this option is selected. Sitecore will concatenate and minify the OOTB and Custom Scripts and Styles.
Example:- If you have a custom theme you can add the css files in your extension theme
This is in master database
Highlighted CSS is a extension to the base theme.
Web database when the page is first requested Sitecore will concat and minify all css in extension theme folder and create a optimised-min.css file
Styles loaded from the extension theme is concatenated and minified version with timestamp in query parameter (optimised-min.css)
Notice that the file name is optimised-min.css
Concatenate Mode
Change the mode of optimization to “Concatenate”.
Web database now has optimized file created in extension theme
Styles loaded from the extension theme is concatenated version with timestamp in query parameter (optimised.css)
Notice that the reference to file is changed to optimised.css
Disabled Mode
Change the mode to “Disabled” and should see all the files loaded separately. Disabled mode is good for debugging but should not be used for production as it will give a performance hit.
Best Practice – Enable Asset Optimizer in production environments
The same can be applied to the Scripts.
You have set the optimizer to concatenate and minify globally to your Sitecore instance but still don’t see the site been optimized.
Previous post I described how to create a new module
In this blog lets install and use the newly created module
Right click on Site and select option Scripts and “Add Site Module“
Overlay to select modules is displayed-
Select the newly created module and click Ok
Sitecore SXA module contains templates, Renderings, Layouts, Placeholder Settings, branch etc. It helps structure the SXA site by scaffolding items required to setup the component.
In this blog post I will walkthrough the steps to create a module manually to have a better understanding and helps specially to debug when there are issues with the existing modules.
Create Module (Part 1)
Navigate to – /sitecore/system/Settings/Feature
Right click Featur folder to create module
Create new module overlay will open.
When module is created should be able to see the folder with the Site Setup Root item
Once the Site Setup Root is created you should be able to see folders with name “Custom Image Block” will be created in Branch, Template, Renderings, Placeholder Settings, Layouts and Media Library or the system areas selected.
Create template required for creating Branch
For creating a branch you will need a template and rendering. Create a template in “Custom Image Block” folder. For now you don’t have to add fields. See blog the fields that were created for component.
Create “Image Block Folder” Template
Create rendering required for creating Branch
Create controller rendering with name “Image Block” in – /sitecore/layout/Renderings/Feature/Wits/Custom Image Block.
For now don’t setup anything in rendering. See blog for the configuration required in rendering-
Create Branch
Navigate to /sitecore/templates/Branches/Feature
Create a new branch. Right click on the folder “Custom Image Block” and insert new branch option
Select the template earlier created-
Branch with name “Image Block” will be created.
Delete $name item in the branch
Rename the Image Block to “Available Image Block Renderings”.
Right click branch and insert item from template-
/sitecore/templates/Foundation/Experience Accelerator/Presentation/Available Renderings/Available Renderings
Give it a name $name as this will create a item in “Available Renderings” folder in site with the component name
Select $name and select the newly created rendering-
Create or Copy the existing branch and name it as “Image Block Variant”
Create a variant, name it as “$name” from template – /sitecore/templates/Foundation/Experience Accelerator/Rendering Variants/Variants
Create Variant Definition under Variant name it as “Default” from template
Path of the variant definition- /sitecore/templates/Foundation/Experience Accelerator/Rendering Variants/Variant Definition
Create Scriban Variant named “Scriban” from template – /sitecore/templates/Foundation/Experience Accelerator/Scriban/Scriban
Add markup in template field or the same can be added when the module is installed on the site – if the markup is specific to the site.
Branch structure should like this-
Create Module (Part 2)
Add Site Item to add Available rendering to the site module is installed
Name it “Add Available Renderings”
Select the Location from the Site>>Presentation>>Available Renderings
In Template field select the “Available Image Block Renderings” from the newly created branch.
Provide the Name
Add Site Item to add rendering variant to the site module is installed
Add another site item, name it “Add Image Block Variant”
Select “Rendering Variant” in Location and “Image Block Variant” created in branch
This will create a “Image Block” in the “Rendering Variant” folder in the site where the module will be installed
Add Site Item to add data folder to the site module is installed
Add another site item, name it “Add Image Block Data Item”
This will create a “Image Block Folder” in “Data” folder in the site where the module will be installed
That’s it you are good to install “Image Block” module.
Often you see examples for creating a new Sitecore SXA component is suggested to be cloned from the Promo component which helps developers to quick start the development.
But its always good to know the process and supporting items that are created to support he component.
In this blog post I will walk through the steps required to create a SXA component using Scriban from scratch. This post is not about how to use Scriban, will cover that in another post.
This post assumes the SXA Site is configured with the custom theme. See links to create Tenants/Sites/Themes –
The component contains images and text and should look like this-
Step 1 – Create Templates –
Lets start creating a template first. Lets give it a name ImageBlock
Template Name – Image Block
Template Name – Image Block Folder
Set the Image Block as Insert Options so Image Blocks can be created under Image Block Folder
Template Name- Image Block (Rendering Parameter)
The below inheritance is required to style, cache and attach a rendering variant.
This template should inherit following-
Inherited template paths-
Template structure for Image Block component looks like this-
Step 2 – Create Rendering for Image Block component
Before you could start creating rendering, its good to have content as the rendering will require the Datasource location and the view.
IMPORTANT– Data folders for component can be configured using modules. For this post will create it manually.
Navigate to the Site -Data folder and create a Image Block Folder
Example at this location-
/sitecore/content/Wits Recruitment/Wits/Site Regions/Wits UK Recruitment/Data
I have named it Image Blocks and enter content for the template-
Create a view. Place following markup in cshtml. Place this in your custom folder in Sitecore instance view folder
@using Sitecore.XA.Foundation.RenderingVariants.Extensions
@using Sitecore.XA.Foundation.SitecoreExtensions.Extensions
@using Sitecore.XA.Foundation.Variants.Abstractions.Fields
@model Sitecore.XA.Foundation.Variants.Abstractions.Models.VariantsRenderingModel
@if (Model.DataSourceItem != null || Html.Sxa().IsEdit)
if (Model.DataSourceItem == null)
foreach (BaseVariantField variantField in Model.VariantFields)
@Html.RenderingVariants().RenderVariant(variantField, Model.Item, Model.RenderingWebEditingParams, Model)
Create controller rendering for Image Block Controller
Controller– Sitecore.XA.Foundation.RenderingVariants.Controllers.VariantsController, Sitecore.XA.Foundation.RenderingVariants
Controller Action- Index
Parameter Templates – Select the Rendering Parameter template created in previous step.
Example – /sitecore/templates/Feature/Wits/PageContent/Rendering Parameters/Image Block
Datasource Location – Query to the Site data location. You may also have to consider same for shared sites
Sample- query:$site/[@@name=’Data’]/[@@templatename=’Image Block Folder’] | query:$sharedSites/[@@name=’Data’]/ [@@templatename=’Image Block Folder’]
Datasource Template– Location of the template (Image Block)
Example- /sitecore/templates/Feature/Wits/PageContent/Image Block
Rendering view path– provide the path of your custom view
Example- ~/Views/Wits/ImageBlock.cshtml
Step 3 – Create Rendering Variant
Create a rendering variant i.e. items from templates-
/sitecore/templates/Foundation/Experience Accelerator/Rendering Variants/Variants
/sitecore/templates/Foundation/Experience Accelerator/Rendering Variants/Variant Definition
/sitecore/templates/Foundation/Experience Accelerator/Scriban/Scriban
Paste the markup to render
Step 4 – Add rendering to Page
Add rendering to the page. Ideally this can be done by creating a Branch and create a module which should allow to drag and drop the SXA component to the page using experience editor.
Select Home page and select option Presentation ==> Details
Add the rendering “Image Block” in the placeholder “main”
Edit the control and select the Variant “Default” in Styling section.
Remember we created a Rendering Variant “Image Block” in step Step 3 and the name of the variant was “Default”. This variant is listed in dropdown for selection. Also select the datasource
Select rendering variant-
Select the datasource-
Save and Publish and should be able to see the newly created component in Home page
Step 5- Update rendering variant to display content from Image Block item
In step-3 we added a static markup in rendering variant.
Use the following scriban changes to get the content from selected datasource. See BlockTitle, Heading and Description1 and Description2 to pull the content from item-
Example- {{sc_raw i_datasource ‘Description2’ }}
<div class="support-company-area support-padding fix">
<div class="container">
<div class="row align-items-center">
<div class="col-xl-6 col-lg-6">
<div class="right-caption">
<!-- Section Tittle -->
<div class="section-tittle section-tittle2">
<span>{{sc_raw i_datasource 'BlockTitle' }} </span>
<h2>{{sc_raw i_datasource 'Heading' }}</h2>
<div class="support-caption">
<p class="pera-top">{{sc_raw i_datasource 'Description1' }}</p>
<p>{{sc_raw i_datasource 'Description2' }}</p>
<a href="about.html" class="btn post-btn">Post a job</a>
<div class="col-xl-6 col-lg-6">
<div class="support-location-img">
<img src="assets/img/service/support-img.jpg" alt="">
<div class="support-img-cap text-center">
Finally we have component been rendered and content pulled from item-
Hope this helps.
All the commands for user account should run from root(i.e. supper user). Use SUDO command to get the privilege’s
See the current user details use id command
Check the name of the current user, use whoami command
See users currently logged in to the system- use who command
See the history of the users logged in to the system with the details system was rebooted, use last command-
Managing User
Adding a new user, use useradd command
Check the newly created user, use grep command. User is created in /etc/passwd-
Following is the format of the user details in /etc/passwd-
shuser2:x:10001:10002:User with custom options:/home/shuser2:/bin/bash
To set the password for newly created user, use passwd command
If the re-typed user password is wrong error is displayed
To change the current users password use passwd command without user name
Options whilst creating a user
Options | Description |
-c | set custom comments |
-d | set custom home directory |
-e | set expiry date |
-g | set specific GID |
-G | create user with multiple secondary group |
-s | specify login shells |
-u | specify UID |
Check the password of the user which is hashed is kept in /etc/shadow folder
MinAge– Minimum number of days user will have to wait to change the password
MaxAge– Maximum number of days user will have to change the password
EXPDate– if empty will never have to change the password
Add the user group using groupadd command and use -g option whilst creating user to assign user to newly created group
Deleting the user
To delete user use userdel command
Deleting the user group
To delete user group use groupdel command. If the user is assigned to the group it won’t allow to delete the group
Check the group of the user
Following is the representation of the group detials-
Browser | |
Microsoft Edge | |
Mozilla Firefox | |
Google Chrome | |
Apple Safari |
Operating System | |
Window Server 2019 (GA) | |
Windows Server 2016 | |
Windows 10 |
.NET Framework | |
.NET 4.8 | |
.NET 4.7.2 | |
.NET 4.7.1 |
ASP.NET Core | |
ASP.NET Core 3.1 |
Database Server | |
MS Azure SQL | |
MS SQL 2019 | |
MS SQL 2017 |
Windows PowerShell | |
PowerShell 5.1 or later |
Search provider | |
Solr 8.4.0 | |
SolrCloud |
Caching | |
Redis (Linux) 4.0.9 | |
Redis (Azure) 4.0.14 | |
Redis (Windows) 3.0.504 |
Newtonsoft Json.NET | |
Newtonsoft Json.Net 12.0.1 |
OData | |
OData 7.5 |
Visual Studio | |
Visual Studio 2019 |
Docker Images | |
Windows 10 Enterprise 2019 LTSC | |
Windows 10, version 2004 | |
Windows 10, version 20H2 |
Sitecore XP and modules | |
XP 10.1 Initial | |
SXA 10.1 | |
SPE 6.2 |