Tag: XM Cloud

How to set background image using Next js in Sitecore XM Cloud

This is a very common scenario where a background image needs to be set to certain components. Banner’s on any page on your website is a very common place to have a background image.

This blog assumes you have setup the Foundation Head setup or have your own Nextjs project setup implemented using the Sitecore NextJS SDK.

Note: This is not specific to XM Cloud but for any Headless implementation

Foundation Head already has an example on setting the background image using params. In this blog post will explore how this works and where in Sitecore the image can be applied. Will see how this can applied using using OOTB _Background Image item.

To apply image background using rendering parameters to the container see this blog here

Applying background image using rendering field to the components

Background image can be applied to components inheriting the existing __Background Image item to the custom component template.

Create a template for your component. Here I am creating a Banner component-

Inherit _Background Image from /sitecore/templates/Foundation/Experience Accelerator/Presentation/_Background Image

_Background Image has “Background Image” and “Stretch mode” field.

Note that there is a space between the field names, although not recommended but this comes OOTB.

Create a “Banner” JSON Rendering and provide the “Parameters Template”, “Datasource Location” and “Datasource Template” as per your requirement and add this rendering to the “Available Renderings”

Create a Nextjs component in sxastarter project

Note below how the “Background Image” field is set. This is due to the same in field name. Not recommended but this is OOTB.

View this gist on GitHub

Experience Editor-

Add a container component in Main placeholder-

Add a newly created component (Banner) in Container placeholder-

Create or select associated content

Once the component is added you should see the button to Add Background Image ( ths is added when the template inherits from _Background Image template.

Select the Background Image and Save-

You should now able to see the background image to component-

Rendering Host-



XM CLoud Dev – How to set background image using rendering parameters

This is a very common scenario where a background image needs to be set to certain components. Banner’s on any page on your website is a very common place to have a background image.

Note: This is not specific to XM Cloud but for any Headless implementation

Foundation Head already has an example on setting the background image using params. In this blog post will explore how this works and where in Sitecore the image can be applied. Will see how this can applied using Rendering Parameters and using OOTB _Background Image item.

Applying background image using rendering parameters

Background image can be applied to container. If you are using Foundation Head repo you can find this component OOTB.

Thre Container rendering is at following lcoation in Sitecore –

/sitecore/layout/Renderings/Feature/JSS Experience Accelerator/Page Structure/Container

Note Other properties- IsRenderingsWithDynamicPlaceholders and IsRenderingsWithDynamicPlaceholders is set to true

Rendering parameter is located – /sitecore/templates/Feature/JSS Experience Accelerator/Page Structure/Rendering Parameters/Container

Rendering paramter template has the BackgroundImage field. The background image will be set based on the image selected in this field.

How the image is set in Head

Lets see background image set in nextjs (sxastarter) Container.tsx

// image string from the rendering parameters
 let backgroundImage = props.params.BackgroundImage as string;
  let backgroundStyle: { [key: string]: string } = {};
  if (backgroundImage) {
    const prefix = `${sitecoreContext.pageState !== 'normal' ? '/sitecore/shell' : ''}/-/media/`;
    backgroundImage = `${backgroundImage?.match(BACKGROUND_REG_EXP)?.pop()?.replace(/-/gi, '')}`;
    backgroundStyle = {
      backgroundImage: `url('${prefix}${backgroundImage}')`,

  return (
    <div className={`component container-default ${styles}`} id={id ? id : undefined}>

// style applied to <div> having background image
      <div className="component-content" style={backgroundStyle}>
        <div className="row">
          <Placeholder name={phKey} rendering={props.rendering} />

Lets see this in working in experience editor and rendering host

In the experience editor main section add a container component.

Once the rendering is added, goto “Edit component properties” and add an background image

Now you are able to see the background image applied ot container and I have added RichText in containerto show the image in background-

Rendering Host displays the image in background-

Nested containers to apply differnt background image or component

If you add only one container the image will be applied to the main section.

To resolve this you can add a container within main container. add mutiple containers as per your requirements. To set the background image to specific container in this example contianer-2 select the parent(i.e. container) and set the image by Editing the Component properties

This should apply the different images for various other sections in the sampe page and since the Container rendering has IsRenderingsWithDynamicPlaceholders property set this should create a unique Id for each container.

Here for example container-2 and container-3 is a child of container-1

Rendering Host displays banckgroung images with there respective components-

Isusue- Here you can see there is a white patch when applied to child container and the image is applied to inner div.

To resolev this apply the image to the outer div instead in container.tsx

return (
    <div className={`component container-default ${styles}`} style={backgroundStyle} id={id ? id : undefined}> // backgroundStyle added
      <div className="component-content"> // backgroundStyle removed
        <div className="row">
          <Placeholder name={phKey} rendering={props.rendering} />

Here you can seee a full width background image

Hope these tips helps.

XM Cloud local environment – Access Sitecore database hosted in Docker

This blog provides details on accessing local Sitecore instance Database hosted on Docker.

If you wish to backup or share Sitecore Database you can connect to Sitecore DB.

Install Sitecore local instance, see th blog post here and run the docker containers for Sitecore.

In .env file see the SQL connection details-

Check the docker container for the DB port.

You may also see the Connection String in CM container-

  • Sitecore_ConnectionStrings_Security
  • Sitecore_ConnectionStrings_Core
  • Sitecore_ConnectionStrings_Master
  • Sitecore_ConnectionStrings_Web

From your local installed SQL server connect to docker hosted DB-

You should not able to see the DB’s configured to support Sitecore XM Cloud local instance-


XM Cloud Dev Error: Hydration failed – while using XMC with Nextjs

Recently, I started receiving error-

Unhandled Runtime Error

Error: Hydration failed because the initial UI does not match what was rendered on the server.

This error was specifically while using RichText field.


Hyderation is when React converts the pre-rendered HTML from the server into fullly interactive application by attaching event handlers.

The common casue of this issue is incorrect nesting of HTML tags.

RichText is wrapped in div tag and received this error when the RichText was wrapped in <p> tag

Example where React throws error-

Incorrect way of wrapping RichText-
<p className="page-desc text-white mb-0"> 
   <RichText field={props.fields.Description} />

Remove the <p> tag or wrap RichText in <div> tag

Correct way-
<RichText className="page-desc text-white mb-0" field={props.fields.Description} />

Remvoing <p> might removing spacing between fields/components, this needs to be adjusted using CSS.




XM Cloud local environment – Setup local development instance

This blog post will guide you through the local environment setup for XM Cloud. You may refer this documentation to do this your own way. Althoug the documentation covers most of the setup, this blog post provides visual on the steps and errors with the resolution.


Once the Foundation Head from Sitecore Labs is forked s(se more details here) clone the copy to the local machine for creating a local instance required for XM Cloud development.


You can find the pre-requisite in this documentation. Ensure your machine has this before setting the local development environment. Just noting down here-


Also make sure you are using Docker v.2, as explained here.

Access to XM Cloud – This blog post assumes you have admin access to XM Cloud where you should be able to craete/update/delete projects environments and deployment in your organisation.

I have this ready on my machine.

1. Clone the forked Foundation head repo.

I named the folder same as the repo on my local machine i.e. xmcloud-foundation-head. the same will be refered thoruhg this post.

Will see the following folder structure after cloned.

I use Visual Studio Code to make any environment related changes. You may use either Visual Studio 2022 or your choice of editor.

2. Open the .env at the root folder and you will see REPORTING_API_KEY, TELERIK_ENCRYPTION_KEY etc. empty.

3. Start the containers.

Prepare the environment

Before doing so make sure you stop the IIS and check if the port 443 (IIS Website) and 8984 (Solr service)is not used and the docker is running in Windows Containers mode. If not switch to Windows cotainers.

iisreset /stop
Get-Process -Id (Get-NetTCPConnection -LocalPort 443).OwningProcess
Get-Process -Id (Get-NetTCPConnection -LocalPort 8984).OwningProcess

Stop-Service -Name "<the name of your service>"

Copy the license file to c:\license folder. If you wish to have this in other folder you also have to change the HOST_LICENSE_FOLDER in .env(root folder) with the path where the license resides.

To prepare the Sitecore container environment, run the script init.ps1 from the root directory of the project along with the license path and desired passowrd for your instance. this form the root folder from the downloaded the repo.

.\init.ps1 -InitEnv -LicenseXmlPath "C:\license\license.xml" -AdminPassword "b"

Required certificates added.

You may also noticed .env in root folder have added values in REPORTING_API_KEY, TELERIK_ENCRYPTION_KEY and MEDIA_REQUEST_PROTECTION_SHARED_SECRET, which was earlier empty.

Download the Sitecore Docker images, install and configure the containers and client application

Run the up.ps1 to download and install containers and client application


This is should download the images and start the containers

Once the containers are started, it should ask to confirm to login to Sitecore with the Device confirmation code. Confirm if this matches. It should also ask to login to XM Cloud isntance and confirm.

One this is done indexes will be rebuilt and the Sitecore instance should be up and running.

Also notice that any items in this case none is pushed to Sitecore instance and an api key is genereated with the name xmcloudpreview-

You may also notice a jss editing secret and SITECORE_API_KEY_xmcloudpreview are updated in .env fiel in root folder along with the Sitecore Admin password which was set whilst initialising the environment.

Your local instance should now be up and running-


The highlighted key shoulld match the key while spinning up the containers.

Taking down the containers

To take down the containers run the down.ps1 from the root folder.



Invoke-RestMethod : Unable to connect to the remote server

This should be ideally staright forward but if you see any issues whilst getting CM instance up and runing. take down the container with down.ps1 command and delete any docker network.

docker network prune

Hope this helps to setup local Sitecore instance for XM Cloud development.


Automation with Sitecore XM Cloud Webhooks and Zapier

With Zapier you can inspect and create customised workflow in munites without wirting any code. Its a good way to automate any actions required once the webhooks in Sitecore are triggered.

In this blog post will quickly create a workflow in Zapier to send mail when a webhook event is trigerred.

Will take a scenario when a Home page is updated, so that the concern team knows about this change.

This is not a fully customised solution but you can extend this as per your requirements.

Create a Zapier account

Create a Zapier account if you don’t have already. There is free subscription available to try out.

Login to Zapier and create a new Zap

Configure a trigger- Select Webhook by Zappier

When a new zap is created select a Catch Hook event in App & Event section

In the test section it should provide the URL its listening to execute any autmation if applicable.

Test the trigger by copying the s URL and setup the same in your Webhokk Handler in Sitecore XM CLoud or local instance. See this blog post on how to create a webhook handler.

Update content in Home page and Save. This should triggere the webhook and call the Zapier endpoint configured in handler.

Test trigger and should see the request available to this endpoint-

Continue with Selected Record if you are happy with the request-

Apply Filter

We want to send mail only when Home page is changed, so lets apply filter

Configure the filter

Add the condition

Further action will be taken only if Item name is Home. This just an example you can select the list of action available.

Continue and select next action and in this case I selected to send a mail to Gmail

Select the event “Send Mail”

Setup your account.

Setup the action to whom the mail should be sent and other information required for the mail

Continue and Test the Step

Now you should have the Zap configured-

Publish the Zap

Change the name of the Zap and should be available in Dashboard-

Change a home page content in Sitecore XM Cloud-

In the Zap runs you should be able to see a mail is triggered-

Thats it. This took me few minutes to configure and test the mail for a simple sceanrio.

Zapier gives you full flexibility to configure the triggers without writing any code based on the conditions to tak action when a Webhook event is triggered in Sitecore XM Cloud.

Hope this helps.


Sitecore Webhook – Authorise event processing app with Auth0 by Okta

In the previous posts we saw how to setup the local environment or XM Cloud to debug Webhook handler event processing app i.e. web api using ngrok in this blog post and also checked how to configure the authorization using Auth0 by OKTA in this blog post using OAuth2ClientCredentialsGrant authorization.

Continuation to this we will now extend the Web Api to authorize the endpoint called from the Sitecore Webhook handler.

We already configured Auth0 to have API and Machine-to-Machine application we will configure this in Web API and setup the authorization.

The authorization in Web API will be done to check of the request cam from the valid domain i.e. dev-your_dev_id.uk.auth0.com and valid audience i.e. https://sc-xmcloud which should be part of the token.

Lets configure Web API .env file. Create a .env file and add the following-

CLIENT_ORIGIN_URL can aslo be your XM Cloud instance.

"CLIENT_ORIGIN_URL": "https://xmcloudcmsdfsdfsd.localhost",
"AUTH0_AUDIENCE": "https://hello-world.example.com",
"AUTH0_DOMAIN": "dev-your_dev_id.uk.auth0.com"

Setup the authentication –

    public static void AddAppAuth(this IServiceCollection services, IConfiguration configuration)
            .AddJwtBearer(options =>
                var audience =

                options.Authority =
                options.Audience = audience;
                options.TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters
                    ValidateAudience = true,
                    ValidateIssuerSigningKey = true

Create a builder to add Authentication service-

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

Decorate the controller wiht Authorize attribute-

The endpoint for local is – https://localhost:7024/api/Item/handler

Setup ngrok to listen to this endpoint

ngrok http --host-header="localhost:7024" https://localhost:7024

ngrok listening now listening on this URL-


Configure the ngrok endpoint in Sitecore Webhook handler

OAuth2ClientCredentialsGrant authorization looks like this-

Webhook Event

Webhook will fire when the Home item or its descendants are saved

Once saved local instance should Authorize and start executing the action method

We can also see the token and the request successfully processed.

Negative testing-

If the audience and the domain doesn’t match should not execute the action method.

I changed the same in .env file.


Sitecore logs also show the request was failed and this due to incorrect domain and audience configured in Web Api-

3896 16:00:20 ERROR Webhooks: Request is not successfull https://8a18b6e7e0c1.ngrok.app/api/Item/handler. Response code was Unauthorized

ngrok helps debug the event processing app to check the authorization.

Hope this helps.


Debug, inspect, test and run the request triggered by XM Cloud Webhook using ngrok

Sitecore Webhooks allows to receive real-time notification about events to the web api that can handle these requests.

In this blog post will see how to debug such handlers in local environment, events triggered by XM Cloud or from the local instance using ngrok.

What is ngrok?

ngrok allows to connect external netwroks in a consistent, secure and repeatable manner without changing any network configurations.


Sitecore Instance-

Either have a local Sitecore instance or XM Cloud instance. See how to setup local XM Cloud instance

Create a Webhook Handler(Web Api)

For this blog post I have created a simple Web Api with a endpoint /api/item/handler which receives POST requests with a Item payload and just return OK or Badrequest response.

We are going to create a Webhook with item:saved event in Sitecore.

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Sitecore.Webhook.Handler.Models;

namespace Sitecore.Webhook.Handler.Controllers;

public class ItemController : Controller
    public async Task<IActionResult> ItemHandler(ItemPayload? payLoad, 
        CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        if (payLoad == null)
            return BadRequest();

        // Process the item handler
        return Ok();

When I run this from VS the endpoint listens on the port 7024 for me.

Host Name:- https://localhost:7024/

Endpoint: /api/item/handler

Install ngrok on dev machine

Use choclatey to install ngrok on local machine

choco install ngrok

Check the ngrok once installed

ngrok -v

IMP– Antivirus might block executing the ngrok. For me I had to turn off the real time scan. Do this at your own risk based on your antivirus software this might be different.

Execute ngrok http command to listen to the api endpoint-

ngrok http --host-header="localhost:7024" https://localhost:7024

In this example https://1a319cf7d867.ngrok.app should forward request’s to https://localhost:7024 where the Web Api is running on my local machine.

Also note the Web Interface –

Create a Webhook Handler

Navigate to /sitecore/system/Webhooks and create a webhook handler. In this case will create a item:saved handler.

In the newly created handler select the event the webhook should trigger and call the endpoint created by nrgok (i.e. web api)

Setup the rule – “where the item is the Home item or onle of its descendants”

Means Home or any of its child items when saved this event will be triggered.

Also setup the Url the webhook should call when this event fires.

IMP – Ensure the handler is enabled or it won’t fire the event.

Save the Home or any of its child to fire the event

I changed a field in Home item and Saved the item-

Ensure your Web Api solution is running in debug mode.

And now you should be able to debug, inspect and test the handler. This was done in local Sitecore instance but can also be done in XM Cloud.

ngrok helps to forward the requests to the localy hosted web api running in debug mode.

Now you can handle what should happen on item:saved event.

XM Cloud

I did the same process in XM Cloud-

Updated the Home item and Saved. Note the item id

The event is fired and web api in my local machine is called-

Also the ngrok also shows the calls it is listening.

Web interface should also show the request and payload details-

Hope this helps debuging your Webhook requests fired from Sitecore local or XM Cloud.

If you want to see the webhook payload and perform further actions, like sending mails etc there are online tools availabl e-





Hope this helps.


XM Cloud local environment – Fork Foundation template

This is first part for setting up the XM Cloud local environment. As a part of this we will first fork the foundation template from reporsitory. This will help you setup sitecore local instance and head your own copy without affecting the Foundation head from Sitecore labs. Note this repo keeps updating and the steps below may differ after any updates.

This post refers following documentation is you want to do your own way-


Fork the XM Cloud Foundation Template source for initial deployment from following git repo-

To fork the same you need to have first have git account.

Follow the steps to fork the source code- https://github.com/sitecorelabs/xmcloud-foundation-head

Create a new fork –

Provide a valid repo name and create fork-

You should now a have a main branch forked in your account-