Welcome! This is my personal blog about Web technologies, software development, open source and other related topics
The ideas and opinions expressed here are solely mine and don't represent those of others, either individuals or companies.The code snippets or references to software products or analogous are to be used without any warranty of any kind. If you enjoy the content, feel free to share it and re-use it as long as you provide a link to the original post.
To create a new file, use touch command followed by the name of the file-
This should create a empty file.
touch thirdfile.txt
To create multiple files using touch command-
touch thirdfile-1.txt thirdfile-2.txt
Create a file with cat command
To create a new file with cat command use redirection operator followd by file name.
This will allow to add content to the file
cat > fourthfile.txt
Cratea a file using echo command
To create a new file using echo command use redirection operator followed by file name will create empty file or add content before redirection operator to add content while creating a file.