Tag: Azure Storage

OrderCloud Headstart Docker Setup – Install and Setup Account in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer

Ensure Storage container is running we should be able to access the storage on certian ports and configure the CORS etc.

Install the Storage Explorer from here – https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/products/storage/storage-explorer/

Connect to Local storage emulator

Connect to Azure Storage (local storage)

Once connected it should show in Emulator-

Create a Blob Container – ngx-translate and create new Virtual Directory i18n

Blob Container and folder name can be any other name. You need to configure this correctly in UI config. See this in later steps

Upload the translation file(optional)

Translation file should be created by Headstart Api while seeding the marketplace further in this blog. This is a test to check if the resource is available. I have attached en.json file here.

Copy URL of the file and check if this is accessible-

Looks like cannot access.

To resolve this error set public access level on Blob container “ngx-translate”

Select Public read access for container and blobs-

Now the resource should be accessible.

Similarly upload resources for fr and jp language.

The resource file should be available in following location – headstart\src\Middleware\src\Headstart.API\wwwroot\i18n


Setup Sitecore OrderCloud Headstart project using Azure Resources – Part 1

Follow below steps to configure Sitecore Ordercloud Headstart middleware using Azure Resources

Step 1 – Setup a Azure App Configuration

Since we will be now setup a backend application (i.e. admin etc) the Client IDs and Client Secret that was create in Step 5 needs to be secured. This can be condifured in Azure App Configuration. See the link on how to setup this.

Use/Download the template here provided by Sitecore to setup the configuration

Create a json file on your local machine by copying the content in the template. In my case I have created OCHeadstartConfig.json. The template looks as below-

    "ApplicationInsightsSettings:InstrumentationKey": "",
    "AvalaraSettings:AccountID": 0,
    "AvalaraSettings:CompanyCode": "",
    "AvalaraSettings:CompanyID": 0,
    "AvalaraSettings:LicenseKey": "",
    "AvalaraSettings:BaseApiUrl": "https://sandbox-rest.avatax.com/api/v2",
    "StorageAccountSettings:ConnectionString": "",
    "StorageAccountSettings:BlobPrimaryEndpoint": "",
    "StorageAccountSettings:BlobContainerNameQueue": "queue",
    "StorageAccountSettings:BlobContainerNameCache": "cache",
    "StorageAccountSettings:BlobContainerNameExchangeRates": "currency",
    "StorageAccountSettings:BlobContainerNameTranslations": "ngx-translate",
    "CardConnectSettings:Authorization": "",
    "CardConnectSettings:AuthorizationCad": "",
    "CardConnectSettings:BaseUrl": "cardconnect.com",
    "CardConnectSettings:CadMerchantID": "",
    "CardConnectSettings:Site": "fts-uat",
    "CardConnectSettings:UsdMerchantID": "",
    "CosmosSettings:DatabaseName": "",
    "CosmosSettings:EnableTcpConnectionEndpointRediscovery": "false",
    "CosmosSettings:EndpointUri": "",
    "CosmosSettings:PrimaryKey": "",
    "CosmosSettings:RequestTimeoutInSeconds": "15",
    "EasyPostSettings:APIKey": "",
    "EasyPostSettings:FreeShippingTransitDays": "3",
    "EasyPostSettings:NoRatesFallbackCost": "20",
    "EasyPostSettings:NoRatesFallbackTransitDays": "3",
    "EnvironmentSettings:AppTimeoutInSeconds": "30",
    "EnvironmentSettings:MiddlewareBaseUrl": "",
    "EnvironmentSettings:BuildNumber": "",
    "EnvironmentSettings:Commit": "",
    "EnvironmentSettings:Environment": "Test",
    "EnvironmentSettings:TaxProvider": "Avalara",
    "FlurlSettings:TimeoutInSeconds": "40",
    "OrderCloudSettings:ApiUrl": "https://sandboxapi.ordercloud.io",
    "OrderCloudSettings:MiddlewareClientID": "",
    "OrderCloudSettings:MiddlewareClientSecret": "",
    "OrderCloudSettings:IncrementorPrefix": "DB_TEST",
    "OrderCloudSettings:WebhookHashKey": "",
    "OrderCloudSettings:MarketplaceID": "",
    "OrderCloudSettings:MarketplaceName": "",
    "SendGridSettings:ApiKey": "",
    "SendgridSettings:FromEmail": "",
    "SendgridSettings:CriticalSupportEmails": "",
    "SendgridSettings:SupportCaseEmail": "",
    "SendgridSettings:BillingEmail": "",
    "SendgridSettings:OrderSubmitTemplateID": "",
    "SendgridSettings:OrderApprovalTemplateID": "",
    "SendgridSettings:LineItemStatusChangeTemplateID": "",
    "SendgridSettings:QuoteOrderSubmitTemplateID": "",
    "SendgridSettings:NewUserTemplateID": "",
    "SendgridSettings:ProductInformationRequestTemplateID": "",
    "SendgridSettings:PasswordResetTemplateID": "",
    "SendgridSettings:CriticalSupportTemplateID": "",
    "SmartyStreetSettings:AuthID": "",
    "SmartyStreetSettings:AuthToken": "",
    "SmartyStreetSettings:RefererHost": "",
    "SmartyStreetSettings:WebsiteKey": "",
    "UI:BaseAdminUrl": "",
    "ZohoSettings:AccessToken": "",
    "ZohoSettings:ClientId": "",
    "ZohoSettings:ClientSecret": "",
    "ZohoSettings:OrgID": "",
    "ZohoSettings:PerformOrderSubmitTasks": "false"

Select the subscription and Resource group

Provide the Resource name in this case I have used OrderCloudHeadStartConfig

Select Location and Pricing tier.

Once the resource is created in the Import/Export option select –

Source service – Configuration file

For language – Other

File type- Json

Source file – *.json (auto selected)

Select the folder icon in Source file option and click Apply to import the configuration.

After the config file is imported navigate to “Configuration Explorer”. There are 63 config key values are imported but in template there are 64.

“SendgridSettings:OrderApprovalTemplateID”: “”, is not imported for due to some reason. Create a new manually if required. For the Demo this is not required.

Click on the values to see the values of the key that was imported-

Set the following values by Right clicking the keys. Copy this from Step 4 where the response was received from seed request-





Continue updating config in next section for Storage Account.

Step 2- Create a Azure Storage Account (if you already don’t have)

Create a Azure Storage Account

Follow the steps and set the configuration as per your requirements

Copy the storage account name and Storage connection string

Set StorageAccountSettings:BlobPrimaryEndpoint – https://yourstorageaccount.blob.core.windows.net/occontainer

Set StorageAccountSettings:ConnectionString

Thats in in this blog. In next blog will cover setting up the UI project.

Hope you are enjoying setting your Ordercloud Headstart project.