Tag: Authorization

Secure Sitecore Webhooks using Microsoft Azure AD B2C

Few months back I was trying to Authorize Sietcore Webhooks using Microsoft Actice Directory B2C and found issue that it wasn’t working.

After creating a support ticket, Sitecore logged this as a bug.

This was resolved and release on 20th Feb 2024.

This blog helps on how to configure MS AD B2C and configure in Sitecore as Client Credential grant to generate an access token so the Event receiver can authorize and process the request.

Note- text highlighted in red is required later to configure in Sitecore.





You should have your Azure AD B2c tenant. See this link on how to set this – Tutorial – Create an Azure Active Directory B2C tenant | Microsoft Learn

Once configured you see the options to register your app.

Before registering app note down the highlighted. This should be available as the part of Endpoint-

This is Authority URL in Sitecore Webhook.

Step 1 – Register App

Click on New registration

Provide the App registration name and selected supported account types. In this case I have given name – SCXMCWebhook and selected “Accounts in this organizational directory only (SC XM Org only – Single tenant)

Register App and it should show the registered app-

It should also list your newly created app-

Step 2 – Add an Application URI

Click on Application ID URI “Add”link and then “Add a scope”

This should create a URI –

Step 3 – Add a scope

Now create a scope “Add a scope”. Enter scope name, admin consent and description. Ensure you enable the scope.

A new scope isadded . Copy the scope as highlighted –

Step 4 – Create Secrets

Navigate to Overview tab and you should see all the configured details.

Step 5 – Create a Client Credential Grant Authorization in Sitecore

Sitecore Client CredentialMicrosoft AD B2C
Authority URL Microsoft Entra ID OpenID Connect
metadata document. (Check Endpoints)
Client IDApplication (client) ID
(Check Overview tab)
Client SecretClient Secret Value
(Check Certificates & Secrets tab)
(Append /.default)
Application ID URI
(Check Overview tab)
Header Prefix
Additional Endpoint Base Addresses
(See Semicolon seperated values below)
Directory (tenant) ID
(Part of the url- Check Overview tab)
e.g.:- 10d**************1b4c

Additional Endpoint Base Addresses


Client Credential Grant Authorization Item should look like this-

Please note Additional Endpoint Base Address are Semicolon seperated.

Step 6 – Create a Webhook Handler in Sitecore

Create Webhook handler at this location- /sitecore/system/Webhooks/

Provide the Description, Select the events the webhook should trigger, Add any rules as per your requirements, Ensure to Enable the Webhook, provide the Url the webhook should send the item data, select the newly created Authorization and Selrialization type (JSON).

Step 7 – Save an Item in Sitecore

Update an Item, in this case I updated Home item

You should see the webhook sends the request to defined Url with Access Token, as highlighted below-

Hope this helps to cionfigure MS AD B2C in your Sitecore instance

More reads-


Configure Sitecore XM Cloud webhook for Authorization using Auth0 by Okta

In previous blog post we saw how to create a Webhook and debug, inspect and test the Webhook handler using ngrok.

Continuation to the previous blog post lets see how to configure the Webhook to use Client Credential grant and secure the Webhook handler in this blog post with Auth0 by Okta.

Register and Login to Auth0

I used free (development) plan to register to Auth0 if you don’t have the account already. This should create a dev id based on the region you selected and should look like this – dev-your_dev_id


Create a API

Navigate to Applications ==> APIs and Create a new API

Provide the name and identifier-

Once created note down the Identifier-

You will also notice that a new Machine To Machine (M2M) Application is created and is mapped and authorized in this API-

Navigate to Applications ==> Applications to see the M2M application-

Note the Domain, Client ID and Client Secret in this application, as this will be required when configuring the Autjorization is Sitecore.

Generate token using postman

Lets test the API and application ocnfigured correctly by generating token using postman-

You will following from above-

Domain Name- dev-your_dev_id.uk.auth0.com

client_id – cC6kPo4AJvY2spdWqZQVuEOjWTMfUZIo

client_secret- wXmuRusYhjJOF12RljeJ5WiJDL6vXnUKuUJO6961CeKG6xafRJpEuBZh_FAbl617

identifier/audience – https://sc-xmcloud

Post request to generate token – https://dev-your_dev_id.uk.auth0.com/oauth/token

Create a Authorization in XM CLoud-

Craee a new OAuth2ClientCredentialsGrant in Authorization folder. This should be available in following path in Sitecore-


Setup the OAuth2ClientCredentialsGrant

Setup the Authority URL, Client ID, Client Secret, Header Prefix and OptionalParameter as follows- This values we noted above whilst creating a API and Application in Auth0.

Setup Webhook Handler

Create a new Webhook handler and provide the newly created authorization –

For testing purpose I have set the

Event – item_saved, Rule – When the Home Item or its descendants are changed

Url – https://webhook.site/a4624c9e-7dda……

Webhook.site should listen to any calls from Sitecore for testing purpose. This can be your Webhook handler app.

Authorization – Select the newly created authorization to Auth0 which create a token

Serialization Type- JSON

Fire a webhook

Save a home or its descendants to fire a webhook

On save it should fire a webhook which can be seen in webhook.site which should also pass the newly created token.

We can see the token was successfully created and a webhook was fired on saving a Home item as configured in Auntorization and Webhook Handler.


If the request to Auth0 fails you should be able to see the same in logs- something like this due to configuration-

4016 12:37:00 INFO  AUDIT (sitecore\sandeep@): Save item: master:/sitecore/content/scxmcloud/sxastarter/Home, language: en, version: 1, id: {0B5C4B64-2A85-4F98-B928-0E0B40C68AEA}
1928 12:37:01 ERROR Webhooks: Token request failed with error: Unauthorized

I have tried this in my local instance but the same can also be done in XM Cloud.

Next we will create a Web Api which should be able to validate the token and executes any custom implementation. This will be in next blog.

Hope this helps.
