Month: November 2020

Sitecore Commerce 10 Business Tools- Part 2 – Create custom vertical view component

Last Updated on February 1, 2025 by sandeeppote

This is a Part-2 of customizing Sitecore Commerce Business Tools. To see how to setup the environment for customization before you could start creating a custom component see Part-1

Often you have seen entity details are shown in Flat view i.e. horizontally, fields and there values are displayed. If you have too many fields to display flat view doesn’t seem to be user friendly. In this case the best way to display such details will a vertical view.

This post assumes Instance of Commerce Engine deployed in development environment and a custom entity is created. This is just a example on how to extend Business Tools using Angular which shows the flexibility of Business Tools in terms of cusotmization.

I have a entity named Organization and captures details for same which has quite a few properties as seen in below screen-

There are around 10 fields in the details section of the entity. These fields are squeezed and also doesn’t look user friendly. This would go more ugly if there are more fields added in the entity.

Sitecore Entity View default UIHint is Flat where a single row is displayed in a form of table.

This would look better if it is displayed in Vertical View or Form View i.e. each field in a different row.

Lets see how this can be done using BizFx SDK and the development environment we have created in this post – <<ENTER SETUP DEV BUSINESS TOOL ENVIRONMENT LINK HERE>>

Sitecore business tools already have Flat and Table View. Flat been default. Lets create a new view called as Vertical View.

Open the folder where the SDK zip file was extracted and navigate to src/app/components/views folder

View folder should look like this-

Copy paste and rename following files-

  1. Copy and Rename sc-bizfx-flatview.component.css to sc-bizfx-verticalview.component.css
  2. Copy and Rename sc-bizfx-flatview.component.html to sc-bizfx-verticalview.component.html
  3. Copy and Rename sc-bizfx-flatview.component.ts to sc-bizfx-verticalview.component.ts

Open sc-bizfx-verticalview.component.html. Change the table to display the property name and value-

 <table scTable class="mb-0" *ngIf="view.Properties.length">
		<th>Property Name</th>
		<th>Property Value</th>
		<tr *ngFor="let property of (view.Properties | isNotHidden)">
            <div [ngSwitch]="property.OriginalType">
              <div id="property-{{view.Name}}-{{property.Name}}" *ngSwitchCase="'System.DateTimeOffset'" class="property">
                  <div *ngIf="property.UiType === 'FullDateTime'">
                      {{property.Value | date:'short':'':bizFxContext.language}}
                  <div *ngIf="property.UiType !== 'FullDateTime'">
                      {{property.Value | date:'shortDate':'':bizFxContext.language}}

              <div id="property-{{view.Name}}-{{property.Name}}" *ngSwitchCase="'System.Decimal'" class="property">
                {{property.Value | number:'':bizFxContext.language}}

              <div id="property-{{view.Name}}-{{property.Name}}" *ngSwitchCase="'Sitecore.Commerce.Core.Money'" class="property">
                {{property.Value | scCurrency:'code':'1.2-2':bizFxContext.language}}

              <div id="property-{{view.Name}}-{{property.Name}}" *ngSwitchCase="'Html'" class="property">
                <div [innerHTML]="property.Value"></div>

              <div id="property-{{view.Name}}-{{property.Name}}" *ngSwitchCase="'List'" class="property">
                <div *ngFor="let item of getList(property)">

              <div id="property-{{view.Name}}-{{property.Name}}" *ngSwitchDefault class="property">

Add following to div having childViews loop to sc-bizfx-flatview.component.html-

<sc-bizfx-verticalview *ngIf="childView.UiHint === 'Vertical'" id="verticalView-{{childView.Name}}" [view]="childView"></sc-bizfx-verticalview>

Open sc-bizfx-verticalview.component.ts. Change the @Component and export Class name

  selector: 'sc-bizfx-verticalview',
  templateUrl: './sc-bizfx-verticalview.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./sc-bizfx-verticalview.component.css']
export class ScBizFxVerticalViewComponent {
    * Defines the view
  @Input() view: ScBizFxView;

    * @ignore
    public bizFxContext: ScBizFxContextService) {

    * Helper method
    * Parse the value of property with `UiType` of `List`.
  getList(property: ScBizFxProperty) {
    return property.Value != null ? JSON.parse(property.Value) : [];

Navigate to components folder. Open index.ts

Add- export * from ‘./views/sc-bizfx-verticalview.component’;

Navigate to app folder. Since a new class is registered this needs to be registered in app.module.ts file.

Open app.module.ts file. Add ScBizFxVerticalViewComponent to App Root import and to the @NgModule – declarations section-

import {
} from './components';
declarations: [


That’s all changes required to have a custom component in Business Tools.

Next open PowerShell and build the changes made and run the Business Tools site

ng serve

The site should now listen to 4200 port.

Now lets create/update a entity view with a Vertical view UIHint. I already have entity with the Flat view. I will change the UIHint to “Vertical” to display the properties and there values vertically.

Build and deploy engine changes to Authoring site. (Not covered in this blog)

Using Flat view either squeezes the table or a horizontal scroll which is not user friendly. With the Verticalview Organization details are now shown vertical with the Property Names and Values in different rows.

This view is more readable for user specially with the long text in Address.

Easy to implement and test on development environment you can build more complex controls with the same approach

Next post will see how to deploy these changes to production.

Hope you liked this post.

Sitecore Commerce 10 Create a custom plugin project

Last Updated on February 1, 2025 by sandeeppote

If you want to get started and create a custom plugin for XC 9.3 here is the post for same First Steps | Sitecore Commerce Development | Create a Custom Plugin

There are few updates on how the plugins are created in XC 10.

Sitecore Commerce 10 SDK does not include Visual Studio Extension (VSIX) package for creating a plugin project.

Let’s get started and look into the steps to create a new plugin in Sitecore Commerce 10. If you have already set up your commerce development environment, please skip to step 2

Step 1 – Setup developer environment

Create a developer environment for Sitecore Commerce to run the engine from Visual Studio, can be either VS 2017 or 2019. Follow this blog post for same Setup development environment for Sitecore Commerce 10 Engine

Step 2: Download Sitecore.Commerce.Plugin.Template from Nuget Feed

  • Navigate to Official Sitecore Commerce Nuget Feed
  • Search for Sitecore.Commerce.Plugin.Template
  • Download the package for Sitecore.Commerce.Plugin.Template 6.0.4. Copy to file Sitecore.Commerce.Plugin.Template.6.0.4.nupkg desired folder.

3. Install Sitecore Commerce Plugin Template Nuget Package

  • Open Powershell in admin mode and navigate to the folder nupkg file is copied and execute following command to install package
dotnet new -i .\Sitecore.Commerce.Plugin.Template.6.0.4.nupkg
  • Run the dotnet new command and should be able to see Sitecore Commerce Sample Plugin template

4. Create a new Sitecore Commerce Plugin Project

As we have a plugin project template we should be able create a new plugin project.

Execute following command in Powershell. Navigate to the solution src folder-

dotnet new pluginsample -o Sitecore.Commerce.Plugin.SampleTest

New plugin project is created with the project name specified in command.

Include the project in Customer.Sample.Solution and compile.

Notice even though the command has project name “Sitecore.Commerce.Plugin.SampleTest” the actual project is created as “Sitecore.Commerce.Plugin.Sample”. You will have to rename this unfortunately as per your requirement.