Tag: secure connection

Sitecore Webhook – Authorise event processing app with Auth0 by Okta

In the previous posts we saw how to setup the local environment or XM Cloud to debug Webhook handler event processing app i.e. web api using ngrok in this blog post and also checked how to configure the authorization using Auth0 by OKTA in this blog post using OAuth2ClientCredentialsGrant authorization.

Continuation to this we will now extend the Web Api to authorize the endpoint called from the Sitecore Webhook handler.

We already configured Auth0 to have API and Machine-to-Machine application we will configure this in Web API and setup the authorization.

The authorization in Web API will be done to check of the request cam from the valid domain i.e. dev-your_dev_id.uk.auth0.com and valid audience i.e. https://sc-xmcloud which should be part of the token.

Lets configure Web API .env file. Create a .env file and add the following-

CLIENT_ORIGIN_URL can aslo be your XM Cloud instance.

"CLIENT_ORIGIN_URL": "https://xmcloudcmsdfsdfsd.localhost",
"AUTH0_AUDIENCE": "https://hello-world.example.com",
"AUTH0_DOMAIN": "dev-your_dev_id.uk.auth0.com"

Setup the authentication –

    public static void AddAppAuth(this IServiceCollection services, IConfiguration configuration)
            .AddJwtBearer(options =>
                var audience =

                options.Authority =
                options.Audience = audience;
                options.TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters
                    ValidateAudience = true,
                    ValidateIssuerSigningKey = true

Create a builder to add Authentication service-

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

Decorate the controller wiht Authorize attribute-

The endpoint for local is – https://localhost:7024/api/Item/handler

Setup ngrok to listen to this endpoint

ngrok http --host-header="localhost:7024" https://localhost:7024

ngrok listening now listening on this URL-


Configure the ngrok endpoint in Sitecore Webhook handler

OAuth2ClientCredentialsGrant authorization looks like this-

Webhook Event

Webhook will fire when the Home item or its descendants are saved

Once saved local instance should Authorize and start executing the action method

We can also see the token and the request successfully processed.

Negative testing-

If the audience and the domain doesn’t match should not execute the action method.

I changed the same in .env file.


Sitecore logs also show the request was failed and this due to incorrect domain and audience configured in Web Api-

3896 16:00:20 ERROR Webhooks: Request is not successfull https://8a18b6e7e0c1.ngrok.app/api/Item/handler. Response code was Unauthorized

ngrok helps debug the event processing app to check the authorization.

Hope this helps.


Docker Security

Docker engine consists of Docker Daemon, Rest API and Docker CLI

To access the containers through Docker CLI the request is sent to Rest API and then to Docker Daemon to serve the request.

Docker Daemon service is accessible from within the host using unix socket which located in /var/run/docker.sock file

Applications can access the Docker daemon service from outside the host.

For accessing the docker daemon from outside the host securely configure /etc/docker/daemon.json when it is absolutely necessary

Setup the following in daemon.json file

   "hosts": ["tcp://hostip:2376"],
   "tls": "true",
   "tlscert": "/var/docker/server.pem",
   "tlskey": "/var/docker/serverkey.pem"

The above configuration help to connect to the Docker Daemon securely and in encrypted manner. On client run the docker command with tls set to true

docker --tls=true
export DOCKER_TLS=true
export DOCKER_HOST="tcp://hostip:2376"

Port 2376 allows to connect securely to Docker Daemon service.

But the above can be connected without authentication.

Access Docker Daemon using Certificate based Authentication

To access the Docker Daemon with certificate based authentication use following configuration-

   "hosts": ["tcp://hostip:2376"],
   "tls": "true",
   "tlscert": "/var/docker/server.pem",
   "tlskey": "/var/docker/serverkey.pem"
   "tlsverify": true,
   "tlscacert": "/var/docker/caserver.pem"

Here the tls_verify option enables certificate authentication based connection.

–tls will enable the connection with encryption

Clients with signed certificate will be able to access the host.

Client need to connect using following-

docker --tlsverify --tlscert=<<client.pem>> --tlskey=<<clientkey.pem>> --tlscacert=<<cacert.pem>>

Above can be also configured in ~/.docker file