Tag: Promotions

Step by Step – Create promotions in Sitecore Commerce 9.3

Who don’t like discounts. People eagerly wait for Black Friday or Christmas offers. During festive these are the discounts applied mostly without a promo codes. When its no festive period you may still find the discounts but those asks for promo codes i.e. coupons.


In this article I will walk through how to create and setup the promotions in Sitecore Commerce 9.3  by defining qualifications, benefits and coupons. How the discounts are automatically applied when Public Coupons are set and how to restrict an auto discounts by setting private coupons.

I assume you have installed Sitecore Experience and Commerce 9.3.

See these links more details on Creating and Setting Promotions step by step

Step 1- Promotion dashboard and Promotion Book

To be continued…








Sitecore Commerce – Promotion Dashboard and creating Promotion Book in Business Tool

1. Promotion dashboard

Promotion dashboard shows all Promotion Book where all the Promotions are kept. Dashboard allows to add new Promo book.


2. Creating a Promo Book

All promotions are organised in a promo book. The list of promotion books on the Promotion dashboard is shown in alphabetical order. Promotion dashboard has options to Add new promotion book. By default Habitat_PromotionBook is created in the Commerce is installed.

To add new promotion book click on Add icon. This should show the popup to add a new promo book.


Promo book with same name cannot be added.


Promo book name should not exceed 50 characters.
