If this is the first time you are using Rust you will have to install Rust on your Windows machine.
To install see this link – https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install
Check the version of Rust-
rustup --version
Check the version of Rsut compiler
rustc --version
Create a Rust project using Cargo
Cargo is a build and package manager.
For creating a new Rust project using Cargo package manager-
cargo new first_rust_prj
This should create follwoing folder structure with main.rs and Cargo.toml (configuration) file.
You can create a project without using Cargo. Create a src directory and create appropriate Cargo.toml namually. To create toml file use init command
cardo init
Building and Running Cargo project
Build the Cargo project using following command-
cargo build
To compile and run directly from the project folder, use following command-
cargo run
Error compiling the project-
error: linker link.exe
not found
So the pre-requisite for windows machine is to have MS C++ build tools. Install the smae from here. It should be around 5 GB.
Now this should run the project –
To check the code without producing an executable use follwoing command-
cargo check
Building for Release
Use following command when project is ready for release-
cargo build --release