Month: February 2024

XM Cloud local environment – Setup local development instance

This blog post will guide you through the local environment setup for XM Cloud. You may refer this documentation to do this your own way. Althoug the documentation covers most of the setup, this blog post provides visual on the steps and errors with the resolution.–setting-up-your-full-stack-xm-cloud-local-development-environment.html

Once the Foundation Head from Sitecore Labs is forked s(se more details here) clone the copy to the local machine for creating a local instance required for XM Cloud development.


You can find the pre-requisite in this documentation. Ensure your machine has this before setting the local development environment. Just noting down here-–setting-up-your-full-stack-xm-cloud-local-development-environment.html

Also make sure you are using Docker v.2, as explained here.

Access to XM Cloud – This blog post assumes you have admin access to XM Cloud where you should be able to craete/update/delete projects environments and deployment in your organisation.

I have this ready on my machine.

1. Clone the forked Foundation head repo.

I named the folder same as the repo on my local machine i.e. xmcloud-foundation-head. the same will be refered thoruhg this post.

Will see the following folder structure after cloned.

I use Visual Studio Code to make any environment related changes. You may use either Visual Studio 2022 or your choice of editor.

2. Open the .env at the root folder and you will see REPORTING_API_KEY, TELERIK_ENCRYPTION_KEY etc. empty.

3. Start the containers.

Prepare the environment

Before doing so make sure you stop the IIS and check if the port 443 (IIS Website) and 8984 (Solr service)is not used and the docker is running in Windows Containers mode. If not switch to Windows cotainers.

iisreset /stop
Get-Process -Id (Get-NetTCPConnection -LocalPort 443).OwningProcess
Get-Process -Id (Get-NetTCPConnection -LocalPort 8984).OwningProcess

Stop-Service -Name "<the name of your service>"

Copy the license file to c:\license folder. If you wish to have this in other folder you also have to change the HOST_LICENSE_FOLDER in .env(root folder) with the path where the license resides.

To prepare the Sitecore container environment, run the script init.ps1 from the root directory of the project along with the license path and desired passowrd for your instance. this form the root folder from the downloaded the repo.

.\init.ps1 -InitEnv -LicenseXmlPath "C:\license\license.xml" -AdminPassword "b"

Required certificates added.

You may also noticed .env in root folder have added values in REPORTING_API_KEY, TELERIK_ENCRYPTION_KEY and MEDIA_REQUEST_PROTECTION_SHARED_SECRET, which was earlier empty.

Download the Sitecore Docker images, install and configure the containers and client application

Run the up.ps1 to download and install containers and client application


This is should download the images and start the containers

Once the containers are started, it should ask to confirm to login to Sitecore with the Device confirmation code. Confirm if this matches. It should also ask to login to XM Cloud isntance and confirm.

One this is done indexes will be rebuilt and the Sitecore instance should be up and running.

Also notice that any items in this case none is pushed to Sitecore instance and an api key is genereated with the name xmcloudpreview-

You may also notice a jss editing secret and SITECORE_API_KEY_xmcloudpreview are updated in .env fiel in root folder along with the Sitecore Admin password which was set whilst initialising the environment.

Your local instance should now be up and running-


The highlighted key shoulld match the key while spinning up the containers.

Taking down the containers

To take down the containers run the down.ps1 from the root folder.



Invoke-RestMethod : Unable to connect to the remote server

This should be ideally staright forward but if you see any issues whilst getting CM instance up and runing. take down the container with down.ps1 command and delete any docker network.

docker network prune

Hope this helps to setup local Sitecore instance for XM Cloud development.


Sandeep Pote wins Sitecore Technology MVP 2024

Last Updated on January 21, 2025 by sandeeppote

Voluntarily contributing your time, energy and skills to the community and help customers succeed and be a part of their growth is all that matters. I believe going above and beyond to achieve expertise in whatever you are doing and giving back to community however small it may be is the key to grow together and when these efforts are recognized it inspires the community to continue their good work.

Happy to share that I have been recognized as 2024 Sitecore MVP.

Sitecore recognizes professionals who deliver outstanding customer experiences through shared expertise on Sitecore’s products, the 2024 MVP program draws from a community of 16,000 certified developers and over 30,000 active participants. This year’s 247 MVPs contributed invaluable knowledge to the community in 2023 and demonstrated true mastery of the Sitecore platform to support partners, customers and prospects.

Automation with Sitecore XM Cloud Webhooks and Zapier

With Zapier you can inspect and create customised workflow in munites without wirting any code. Its a good way to automate any actions required once the webhooks in Sitecore are triggered.

In this blog post will quickly create a workflow in Zapier to send mail when a webhook event is trigerred.

Will take a scenario when a Home page is updated, so that the concern team knows about this change.

This is not a fully customised solution but you can extend this as per your requirements.

Create a Zapier account

Create a Zapier account if you don’t have already. There is free subscription available to try out.

Login to Zapier and create a new Zap

Configure a trigger- Select Webhook by Zappier

When a new zap is created select a Catch Hook event in App & Event section

In the test section it should provide the URL its listening to execute any autmation if applicable.

Test the trigger by copying the s URL and setup the same in your Webhokk Handler in Sitecore XM CLoud or local instance. See this blog post on how to create a webhook handler.

Update content in Home page and Save. This should triggere the webhook and call the Zapier endpoint configured in handler.

Test trigger and should see the request available to this endpoint-

Continue with Selected Record if you are happy with the request-

Apply Filter

We want to send mail only when Home page is changed, so lets apply filter

Configure the filter

Add the condition

Further action will be taken only if Item name is Home. This just an example you can select the list of action available.

Continue and select next action and in this case I selected to send a mail to Gmail

Select the event “Send Mail”

Setup your account.

Setup the action to whom the mail should be sent and other information required for the mail

Continue and Test the Step

Now you should have the Zap configured-

Publish the Zap

Change the name of the Zap and should be available in Dashboard-

Change a home page content in Sitecore XM Cloud-

In the Zap runs you should be able to see a mail is triggered-

Thats it. This took me few minutes to configure and test the mail for a simple sceanrio.

Zapier gives you full flexibility to configure the triggers without writing any code based on the conditions to tak action when a Webhook event is triggered in Sitecore XM Cloud.

Hope this helps.
