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This is a very common scenario where a background image needs to be set to certain components. Banner’s on any page on your website is a very common place to have a background image.
This blog assumes you have setup the Foundation Head setup or have your own Nextjs project setup implemented using the Sitecore NextJS SDK.
Note: This is not specific to XM Cloud but for any Headless implementation
Foundation Head already has an example on setting the background image using params. In this blog post will explore how this works and where in Sitecore the image can be applied. Will see how this can applied using using OOTB _Background Image item.
To apply image background using rendering parameters to the container see this blog here
Applying background image using rendering field to the components
Background image can be applied to components inheriting the existing __Background Image item to the custom component template.
Create a template for your component. Here I am creating a Banner component-
Inherit _Background Image from /sitecore/templates/Foundation/Experience Accelerator/Presentation/_Background Image
_Background Image has “Background Image” and “Stretch mode” field.
Note that there is a space between the field names, although not recommended but this comes OOTB.
Create a “Banner” JSON Rendering and provide the “Parameters Template”, “Datasource Location” and “Datasource Template” as per your requirement and add this rendering to the “Available Renderings”
Create a Nextjs component in sxastarter project
Note below how the “Background Image” field is set. This is due to the same in field name. Not recommended but this is OOTB.
Experience Editor-
Add a container component in Main placeholder-
Add a newly created component (Banner) in Container placeholder-
Create or select associated content
Once the component is added you should see the button to Add Background Image ( ths is added when the template inherits from _Background Image template.
Select the Background Image and Save-
You should now able to see the background image to component-
This is a very common scenario where a background image needs to be set to certain components. Banner’s on any page on your website is a very common place to have a background image.
Note: This is not specific to XM Cloud but for any Headless implementation
Foundation Head already has an example on setting the background image using params. In this blog post will explore how this works and where in Sitecore the image can be applied. Will see how this can applied using Rendering Parameters and using OOTB _Background Image item.
Applying background image using rendering parameters
Background image can be applied to container. If you are using Foundation Head repo you can find this component OOTB.
Thre Container rendering is at following lcoation in Sitecore –
Note Other properties- IsRenderingsWithDynamicPlaceholders and IsRenderingsWithDynamicPlaceholders is set to true
Rendering parameter is located – /sitecore/templates/Feature/JSS Experience Accelerator/Page Structure/Rendering Parameters/Container
Rendering paramter template has the BackgroundImage field. The background image will be set based on the image selected in this field.
How the image is set in Head
Lets see background image set in nextjs (sxastarter) Container.tsx
// image string from the rendering parameters
let backgroundImage = props.params.BackgroundImage as string;
let backgroundStyle: { [key: string]: string } = {};
if (backgroundImage) {
const prefix = `${sitecoreContext.pageState !== 'normal' ? '/sitecore/shell' : ''}/-/media/`;
backgroundImage = `${backgroundImage?.match(BACKGROUND_REG_EXP)?.pop()?.replace(/-/gi, '')}`;
backgroundStyle = {
backgroundImage: `url('${prefix}${backgroundImage}')`,
return (
<div className={`component container-default ${styles}`} id={id ? id : undefined}>
// style applied to <div> having background image
<div className="component-content" style={backgroundStyle}>
<div className="row">
<Placeholder name={phKey} rendering={props.rendering} />
Lets see this in working in experience editor and rendering host
In the experience editor main section add a container component.
Once the rendering is added, goto “Edit component properties” and add an background image
Now you are able to see the background image applied ot container and I have added RichText in containerto show the image in background-
Rendering Host displays the image in background-
Nested containers to apply differnt background image or component
If you add only one container the image will be applied to the main section.
To resolve this you can add a container within main container. add mutiple containers as per your requirements. To set the background image to specific container in this example contianer-2 select the parent(i.e. container) and set the image by Editing the Component properties
This should apply the different images for various other sections in the sampe page and since the Container rendering has IsRenderingsWithDynamicPlaceholders property set this should create a unique Id for each container.
Here for example container-2 and container-3 is a child of container-1
Rendering Host displays banckgroung images with there respective components-
Isusue- Here you can see there is a white patch when applied to child container and the image is applied to inner div.
To resolev this apply the image to the outer div instead in container.tsx
Following options are asked, provide the required details-
Is your Sitecore instance on this machine or accessible via network share? [y/n]:y
Path to the Sitecore folder (e.g. c:\inetpub\wwwroot\my.siteco.re):C:\inetpub\wwwroot\XP103.sc
Sitecore hostname (e.g. http://myapp.local.siteco.re; see /sitecore/config; ensure added to hosts): https://xp103.sc
Sitecore import service URL [https://xp103.sc/sitecore/api/jss/import]: [Leave blank]
Sitecore API Key (ID of API key item): B418AB1D-A7A9-48F4-9A96-51F7D6C2105F [enter the api key created earlier- see section Create JSS Api key ]
Please enter your deployment secret (32+ random chars; or press enter to generate one): [Leave this blank and it should create one or enter the value here]
See the highlighted values. Also note the where the deployment secret is written-C:\projects\Sitecore\HeadlessSXA\retail-app\sitecore\config\retail-app.deploysecret.config
Remove/Comment the site definition in this case as opposed to JSS sites as this will be handled in Sitecore site settings-
Remove it from /sitecore/config/retail-app.config
Verify JSS app registration-
See the values of Endpoint Url and Application URL. The same url was configured in rendering host.
Set JSS Editing Secret in .env file- Use the deployment secret from the /sitecore/config/app-name.deploysecret.config
Deploy config
jss deploy config
Note the config was deployed to C:\inetpub\wwwroot\XP103.sc\App_Config\Include\zzz folder in the Sitecore instance
Start Application in connected mode
jss start:connected
Application should listen to http://localhost:3000
Try accessing – http://localhost:3000
Search for root item in code- open \src\lib\dictionary-service-factory.ts
Error- Page not found
Solution – Ensute the site and the app name is same.
After all the above errors, it should show the blank page- Since there are no component s added.
Lets add some content, for this opne the Home page in experienec editor and see this error-
Error- Connection to your rendering host failed with an Unauthorized error. Ensure the JSS Editing Secret is configured.
Update the JSS Editing Secret in Sitecore instance at following path (best practice-you have to patch the config instead of updating the Sitecore configs directly)