In this blog post I will show how to apply a custom style to a rendering.
I have a requirement to add extra spacing between the components.
There is already a indent-top style which provides this space (20px) but neesd 100px space.

And the same can see in Experience Editor-

Same can also see in css file in sxastarter project-

Create a custom style (indent-large-top)
Create custom style in Sitecore-
Create a new style (Indent Large Top) in Sitecore under Presentations => Styles ==> Spacing

Provide the value of the Style-

Create a style in FE project with the same value-
There are various ways you should be able to do this. I am adding 5 times more space to the existing indent-top style.
// $middle-margin is defined in _margins.scss
.indent-large-top {
margin-top: calc($middle-margin * 5);
Apply a custom style to rendering
Select the component or container you want to apply style and choose option “Indent Large Top” in Spacing section

Now the space between the 2 component is increased and is 100px as per the requirement.

New style applied to container-

Apply style to specific renderings
As above when the style was created it was applied to all renderings.
If you want to restrict the style to be applied to only certain renderings you can do so by setting Allowed renderings field in new created Style item.
For “Indent Large Top” only SectionContainer will be able to see the new Spacing Style.

In Experience Editor you wont see the “Indent Large Top” for other renderings e.g.- for container rendering-

While for Section Container rendering the new style is available-
