Tag: Headless

How to set background image using Next js in Sitecore XM Cloud

This is a very common scenario where a background image needs to be set to certain components. Banner’s on any page on your website is a very common place to have a background image.

This blog assumes you have setup the Foundation Head setup or have your own Nextjs project setup implemented using the Sitecore NextJS SDK.

Note: This is not specific to XM Cloud but for any Headless implementation

Foundation Head already has an example on setting the background image using params. In this blog post will explore how this works and where in Sitecore the image can be applied. Will see how this can applied using using OOTB _Background Image item.

To apply image background using rendering parameters to the container see this blog here

Applying background image using rendering field to the components

Background image can be applied to components inheriting the existing __Background Image item to the custom component template.

Create a template for your component. Here I am creating a Banner component-

Inherit _Background Image from /sitecore/templates/Foundation/Experience Accelerator/Presentation/_Background Image

_Background Image has “Background Image” and “Stretch mode” field.

Note that there is a space between the field names, although not recommended but this comes OOTB.

Create a “Banner” JSON Rendering and provide the “Parameters Template”, “Datasource Location” and “Datasource Template” as per your requirement and add this rendering to the “Available Renderings”

Create a Nextjs component in sxastarter project

Note below how the “Background Image” field is set. This is due to the same in field name. Not recommended but this is OOTB.

View this gist on GitHub

Experience Editor-

Add a container component in Main placeholder-

Add a newly created component (Banner) in Container placeholder-

Create or select associated content

Once the component is added you should see the button to Add Background Image ( ths is added when the template inherits from _Background Image template.

Select the Background Image and Save-

You should now able to see the background image to component-

Rendering Host-



XM CLoud Dev – How to set background image using rendering parameters

This is a very common scenario where a background image needs to be set to certain components. Banner’s on any page on your website is a very common place to have a background image.

Note: This is not specific to XM Cloud but for any Headless implementation

Foundation Head already has an example on setting the background image using params. In this blog post will explore how this works and where in Sitecore the image can be applied. Will see how this can applied using Rendering Parameters and using OOTB _Background Image item.

Applying background image using rendering parameters

Background image can be applied to container. If you are using Foundation Head repo you can find this component OOTB.

Thre Container rendering is at following lcoation in Sitecore –

/sitecore/layout/Renderings/Feature/JSS Experience Accelerator/Page Structure/Container

Note Other properties- IsRenderingsWithDynamicPlaceholders and IsRenderingsWithDynamicPlaceholders is set to true

Rendering parameter is located – /sitecore/templates/Feature/JSS Experience Accelerator/Page Structure/Rendering Parameters/Container

Rendering paramter template has the BackgroundImage field. The background image will be set based on the image selected in this field.

How the image is set in Head

Lets see background image set in nextjs (sxastarter) Container.tsx

// image string from the rendering parameters
 let backgroundImage = props.params.BackgroundImage as string;
  let backgroundStyle: { [key: string]: string } = {};
  if (backgroundImage) {
    const prefix = `${sitecoreContext.pageState !== 'normal' ? '/sitecore/shell' : ''}/-/media/`;
    backgroundImage = `${backgroundImage?.match(BACKGROUND_REG_EXP)?.pop()?.replace(/-/gi, '')}`;
    backgroundStyle = {
      backgroundImage: `url('${prefix}${backgroundImage}')`,

  return (
    <div className={`component container-default ${styles}`} id={id ? id : undefined}>

// style applied to <div> having background image
      <div className="component-content" style={backgroundStyle}>
        <div className="row">
          <Placeholder name={phKey} rendering={props.rendering} />

Lets see this in working in experience editor and rendering host

In the experience editor main section add a container component.

Once the rendering is added, goto “Edit component properties” and add an background image

Now you are able to see the background image applied ot container and I have added RichText in containerto show the image in background-

Rendering Host displays the image in background-

Nested containers to apply differnt background image or component

If you add only one container the image will be applied to the main section.

To resolve this you can add a container within main container. add mutiple containers as per your requirements. To set the background image to specific container in this example contianer-2 select the parent(i.e. container) and set the image by Editing the Component properties

This should apply the different images for various other sections in the sampe page and since the Container rendering has IsRenderingsWithDynamicPlaceholders property set this should create a unique Id for each container.

Here for example container-2 and container-3 is a child of container-1

Rendering Host displays banckgroung images with there respective components-

Isusue- Here you can see there is a white patch when applied to child container and the image is applied to inner div.

To resolev this apply the image to the outer div instead in container.tsx

return (
    <div className={`component container-default ${styles}`} style={backgroundStyle} id={id ? id : undefined}> // backgroundStyle added
      <div className="component-content"> // backgroundStyle removed
        <div className="row">
          <Placeholder name={phKey} rendering={props.rendering} />

Here you can seee a full width background image

Hope these tips helps.

Sitecore Asp.Net rendering with Content Resolver for Helix Examples Solution

In my previous post we saw how to create a simple rendering with data source.

For creating rendering using content resolver first follow the blog <<enter blog url here>>

Content resolvers help provice more complex data beyond the serialization of a component data source.

In this blog will list all the Articles on the page which are marked as Featured Article.

The custom logic for filtering will go in Content resolver.

Craete a project for Content Resolver(.net framework 4.8) . This framework is used just to follow with the exisitng content resolvers provided by Helix Examples Solution.

Content Resolver Project (BasicCompany.Feature.Articles.Platform)

Create a new .Net Framework project

Instead of creating new poroject I will copy the project from Navigation/Platform folder and rename it to BasicCompany.Feature.Articles.Platform.

Delete all the files from this project as it relates to Navigation. You may also want to change the AssemblyName and the AssemblyInfo file.

Create Models for Articles and Article

Create Models Folder and add below models


using Sitecore.Data.Items;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace BasicCompany.Feature.Articles.Models
    public class Articles
        public Item ArticlesPage { get; set; }

        public IList<Article> ArticleItems { get; set; }


using Sitecore.Data.Items;

namespace BasicCompany.Feature.Articles.Models
    public class Article
        public Item Item { get; set; }

        public Item ItemData { get; set; }
        public string Url { get; set; }

Create Service for ArticleBuilder and ArticleRootResolver

Create a new folder Services and following-

 public interface IArticleBuilder
        Articles.Models.Articles GetArticles(Item contextItem);

 public class ArticleBuilder : IArticleBuilder
        private readonly IArticleRootResolver _articleRootResolver;
        private readonly BaseLinkManager _linkManager;

        public ArticleBuilder(BaseLinkManager linkManager, IArticleRootResolver articleRootResolver)
            _articleRootResolver = articleRootResolver;
            _linkManager = linkManager;

        public Articles.Models.Articles GetArticles(Item contextItem)
            var articleRoot = _articleRootResolver.GetArticleRoot(contextItem);
            if (articleRoot == null)
                return new Articles.Models.Articles();

            return new Articles.Models.Articles()
                ArticlesPage = articleRoot,
                ArticleItems = GetArticleItems(articleRoot, contextItem)

        private IList<Article> GetArticleItems(Item articleRoot, Item contextItem)
            var items = new List<Item>();

            items.AddRange(articleRoot.Children.Where(item => item.DescendsFrom(Templates.ArticleItem.Id)));

            var articleItems = items.Select(item => new Article()
                Item = item,
                ItemData = item.Axes.GetDescendants().FirstOrDefault(itemData => itemData.DescendsFrom(Templates.ArticleItemData.Id)),
                Url = _linkManager.GetItemUrl(item)

            return articleItems;

 public interface IArticleRootResolver
        Item GetArticleRoot(Item contextItem);

namespace BasicCompany.Feature.Articles.Services
    public class ArticleRootResolver : IArticleRootResolver
        public Item GetArticleRoot(Item contextItem)
            if (contextItem == null)
                return null;
            return contextItem.DescendsFrom(Templates.ArticleRoot.Id)
                ? contextItem
                : contextItem.Axes.GetAncestors().LastOrDefault(x => x.DescendsFrom(Templates.ArticleRoot.Id));

Create Layout Service i.e. content resolver class

Create new folder LayoutServices and add following-

namespace BasicCompany.Feature.Articles.LayoutService
    public class ArticleContentResolver : Sitecore.LayoutService.ItemRendering.ContentsResolvers.RenderingContentsResolver
        private readonly IArticleBuilder _articleBuilder;

        public ArticleContentResolver(IArticleBuilder articleBuilder)
            _articleBuilder = articleBuilder;

        public override object ResolveContents(Rendering rendering, IRenderingConfiguration renderingConfig)
            var articles = _articleBuilder.GetArticles(this.GetContextItem(rendering, renderingConfig));

            var contents = new
                ArticleItems = articles.ArticleItems.Select(item => new
                    Item = item.Item,
                    ItemData = item.ItemData,
                    Serialized = base.ProcessItem(item.ItemData, rendering, renderingConfig)
                }).Select(article => new
                    Url = LinkManager.GetItemUrl(article.Item),
                    Id = article.Item.ID,
                    Fields = new
                        Title = article.Serialized[article.ItemData.Fields["Title"].Name],
                        Description = article.Serialized[article.ItemData.Fields["Description"].Name],
                        ShortDescription = article.Serialized[article.ItemData.Fields["ShortDescription"].Name],

            return contents;

Create Service Configurator to register the services-

namespace BasicCompany.Feature.Articles
    public class ServicesConfigurator : IServicesConfigurator
        public void Configure(IServiceCollection serviceCollection)
            serviceCollection.AddTransient<Services.IArticleBuilder, Services.ArticleBuilder>();
            serviceCollection.AddTransient<Services.IArticleRootResolver, Services.ArticleRootResolver>();

Create Template Class

Change the Item ID’s as per your Sitecore Instance

namespace BasicCompany.Feature.Articles
  public static class Templates
        public static class ArticleItem
            public static readonly ID Id = new ID("{EE5CE126-890D-4F01-9DD5-3D81FC397A91}"); //

        public static class ArticleItemData
            public static readonly ID Id = new ID("{8AA19CA1-99A6-4588-B1D7-3FA9A8F6756A}"); //

        public static class ArticleRoot
            public static readonly ID Id = new ID("{A46A11C6-C7F9-4F61-BF0C-FFF060F0FECC}"); //

Create App Config to register the ServiceConfigurator-

Create Feature.Articles.config file in App_Config/Include/Feature folder

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<configuration xmlns:patch="http://www.sitecore.net/xmlconfig/">
      <configurator type="BasicCompany.Feature.Navigation.ServicesConfigurator, BasicCompany.Feature.Navigation" />

Create Templates for Article

These templates are used to indicate the different level s of Article. i..e Article Page- will inherit from _ArticleRoot, ArticlePage will inherit from _ArticleItem and Article Content will inherit from _ArticleItemData

Sitecore Items

Create Rendering Content Resolver

Create a New “Rendering Contents Resolvers Folder” in /sitecore/system/Modules/Layout Service

Craete a New “Rendering Contents Resolver” in this folder.

Provide the type – BasicCompany.Feature.Articles.LayoutService.ArticleContentResolver, BasicCompany.Feature.Articles

Create Articles Json Rendering

Craete a neJson rendering name “Articles” and newly created content resolver in the “Rendering Contents Resolver” field.

Add the new rendering to the page

Publish items

Rendering Project

Create Models Articles.cs

using Sitecore.AspNet.RenderingEngine.Binding.Attributes;
using Sitecore.LayoutService.Client.Response.Model.Fields;

namespace BasicCompany.Feature.Articles.Models
    public class Articles
        public ContentListField<Article> ArticleItems { get; set; }

Create new view Articles.cshtml in /Views/Shared/Components/SitecoreComponent

@using Sitecore.AspNet.RenderingEngine.Extensions
@model BasicCompany.Feature.Articles.Models.Articles

<div class="container">
    <div class="product-list-columns columns is-multiline">
        @foreach (var article in Model.ArticleItems)
            <partial name="_ArticleList" model="article" />

Create _ArticleList.cshtml in Views/Shared folder

Note its using ItemLinkField

@model ItemLinkField<Article>

<a href="@Model.Url" class="column product-list-column is-4-desktop is-6-tablet">
    <div class="card">
        <div class="card-content">
            <div class="content">
                <h4 asp-for="@Model.Fields.Title"></h4>
                <p asp-for="@Model.Fields.ShortDescription"></p>

Update the RenderingEngineOptionsExtensions

namespace BasicCompany.Feature.Articles.Extensions
    public  static class RenderingEngineOptionsExtensions
        public static RenderingEngineOptions AddFeatureArticle(this RenderingEngineOptions options)

            return options;

Update Articles.modules.json to serialiaze content resolver

  "namespace": "Feature.Articles",
  "items": {
    "includes": [
        "name": "templates",
        "path": "/sitecore/templates/Feature/Articles"
        "name": "renderings",
        "path": "/sitecore/layout/Renderings/Feature/Articles"
        "name": "contents-resolvers",
        "path": "/sitecore/system/Modules/Layout Service/Rendering Contents Resolvers/Articles"

IMP – Ensure the Startup.cs has AddFeatureArticle() added in AddSitecoreRenderingEngine


List of Articles-

When we click on any of the Article take to the Article page-

The above pages are shown as per this structure in Sitecore

Create a Asp.Net simple rendering using data source in Helix Examples Solution

In this blog will create a simple rendering uing Asp.Net Rendering SDK in Helix Examples Solution

Please refer the blog to create a rendering folder and configure the SCS before proceeding this blog.

So lets create a new module or rendering feature named “Articles”.

1. Create a Feature project using Razor Class Library

Project Name – BasicCompany.Feature.Articles.Rendering

Notice the project path

Choose .Net Core 3.1 Framework-

Delete any exisitng files and folders under this project-

Edit the project to use netcoreapp3.1 and AddRazorSupportForMvc to true

Rename helix-basic-aspnetcore\src\Feature\Articles\BasicCompany.Feature.Articles.Rendering to rendering. Just to follow other feature fodler structure.

2. Install Sitecore packages



I have installed verions 16 just to be in sync with other projects. You may install the latest.

New rendering project should have these packages installed-

Remove these packages as this may be not required at thi point of time or downgrade this to 3.1.1

Refer the new created rendering project to BasicCompany.Project.BasicCompany.Rendering

When the solution is build you may see this error-

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error The package reference ‘Sitecore.AspNet.RenderingEngine’ should not specify a version. Please specify the version in ‘C:\projects\Helix.Examples\examples\helix-basic-aspnetcore\Packages.props’ or set VersionOverride to override the centrally defined version. BasicCompany.Feature.Articles.Rendering C:\projects\Helix.Examples\examples\helix-basic-aspnetcore\src\Feature\Articles\rendering\BasicCompany.Feature.Articles.Rendering.csproj

Solution– Remove the version for the plugin fropm project file

Edit the project file and remove version from the PackageReference-

Solution should build successully.

3. Ensure Articles.modules.json file in Feature folder

Please see this blog <<Enter blog url here>> how to create a module.json file to serliaze the Sitecore items for new Feature.

4. Create required Sitecore Templates, content, renderings and Placeholder Settings

Template – Article in following path- /sitecore/templates/Feature/Articles

Page Type Template – Create 2 page type templates “Articles” and “Article” page as below.

Add any required Insert Options where necessary.

IMP- inherit from _NavigationItem to display the Articles as Navigation option

Enter Navigation Title for Articles page-


Create content in Home page based on the Article templates created.


Create a new Json Rendering Article. See previous post

Set Datasource Location- ./Page Components|query:./ancestor-or-self::*[@@templatename=’Site’]/Shared Content/Articles

Datasource Template- /sitecore/templates/Feature/Articles/Article

Add rendering to Template

Add Header, Article and Footer Controls to the Presentation

Select appropriate datasource for the Article component-

You can also add the component from experience editor. For simplicity purpose I am adding this from the presentation details manually.

Publish the changes and see https://www.basic-company-aspnetcore.localhost

Note:- If you get bad gateway error the resolution is in this blog <<blog for resolution>>

you should see the Articles option in Navigation-

Note- We wont be configuring “Articles” page in this blog. Will see that in next blog when uing Content Resolver.

See thie Article page-


There is a error – “Unknown component ‘Article'”. This is because we havent yet created view for this component.

Create Model in BasicCompany.Feature.Articles.Rendering project for rendering Article component

Note the propeties are using Sitecore.LayoutService.Client.Response.Model.Fields

using Sitecore.LayoutService.Client.Response.Model.Fields;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace BasicCompany.Feature.Articles.Rendering.Models
    public class Article
        public TextField Title { get; set; }

        public RichTextField Description { get; set; }

        public TextField ShortDescription { get; set; }

Create View in BasicCompany.Feature.Articles.Rendering project for rendering Article component

Create Article.cshtml file under Views/Shared/Components/SitecoreComponent

Add following markup-

@model Article

<div class="container">
    <section class="hero is-small product-detail-hero">
        <div class="hero-body">
             <h3  class="title" asp-for="Title"></h3>
            <sc-text class="subtitle is-one-quarter" asp-for="Description"></sc-text>

InViews Folder create _ViewImports.cshtml file and put the following in file-

@using Sitecore.LayoutService.Client.Response.Model
@using Sitecore.LayoutService.Client.Response.Model.Fields
@using Sitecore.AspNet.RenderingEngine.Extensions
@using BasicCompany.Feature.Articles.Rendering.Models

@addTagHelper *, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers
@addTagHelper *, Sitecore.AspNet.RenderingEngine

Add Extensions for registering the ModelBoundView. This is a static class and will be used in Project Rendering on application startup (BasicCompany.Project.BasicCompany.Rendering).

using BasicCompany.Feature.Articles.Rendering.Models;
using Sitecore.AspNet.RenderingEngine.Configuration;
using Sitecore.AspNet.RenderingEngine.Extensions;

namespace BasicCompany.Feature.Articles.Extensions
    public  static class RenderingEngineOptionsExtensions
        public static RenderingEngineOptions AddFeatureArticle(this RenderingEngineOptions options)
            return options;

In BasicCompany.Project.BasicCompany.Rendering project, Startup.cs register the component-

Build the Project

Output– https://www.basic-company-aspnetcore.localhost/Articles/Sitecore%20Content%20Serialization%20structural%20overview


Bad gateway error while accessing – https://www.basic-company-aspnetcore.localhost/


Restart the rendering container

docker ps
docker restart <<rebdering container>>

Debug Helix Examples solution using Asp.Net Rendering hosted in Docker Containers

See this blog to setup the development environment for Helix Examlpes using Docker

Open the solution from following location – \examples\helix-basic-aspnetcore

Open the containers tab and should list all the containsers with its status-

You may also use following command to check the status of contrianers-

docker ps

Lets debug the Navigation which has content resolver-

Right click the CD container and Attach to Process

Select Managed(.Net 4.x) debug type. Select w3wp.exe and click Attach.

Helix Examples Solution should now run in debug mode.

Build the solution, add a breakpoint to any of the resolvers (Header or Footer)

Refresh or visit the site – https://www.basic-company-aspnetcore.localhost/ and should be able to see the debugger-

Issues debuging or just building the solution-

Bad Gateway-

Solution- You may see the errors with command-

docker-compose logs -f rendering

Following log appears- binary is being used by another process. This is the issues with the dotnet watch with the docker

Solution- Restart the rendering container

This should bring up the site.

You can also watch the changes outside the docker. See here for more details-


Sitecore Headless Development with ASP.NET Rendering SDK – Helix Examples Solution – The Docker Way

This blog will give a quick overview of setting development environment for Headless Development with ASP.Net Rendering SDK using the Helix Examples and the docker.

Although there are videos and blogs around same I will do a quick walk through on setting Helix Examples and any errors I faced whilst setting up the environment.

Refer the following for same – https://github.com/Sitecore/Helix.Examples/tree/master/examples/helix-basic-aspnetcore

Install .Net Core 3.1


Install .Net core 3.1 on your machine and this is required to create any rendering or platform projects later to extend the Helix Examples Solution or compiling the existing code.

Install Docker Desktop on Windows


Run this on Hyper-V mode and Switch to Windows Containers

Install Visual Studio Code and Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition



Whilst installing Visual Studio 2022 select the .Net Framework project and templates option as the platform projects uses .Net Framework 4.8 version. This will also help further if you want to extend the solution.

Install and Configure Windows Terminal (optional)




Install Windows Terminal, refer above link and if you fancy applying the themes, although this is optional.

Install git


Clone Helix Examples Solution



Initialise the config

Navigate to \examples\helix-basic-aspnetcore and run following-

.\init.ps1 -LicenseXmlPath C:\<<path to license>>\license.xml -SitecoreAdminPassword "b"

This should initalise teh .env file and fill in the values of the variables for License and Admin Password. Also it will populate other variables.

Build Images

Once the config are initialised run folowing command-


Once all the images are downloaded and built along with solution login to CM should will be asked.

Login to the CM and Allow access to Sitecore API and Offline Access

Once this done the CD and CM app should be ready along with the data been synched.

Check the logs for any errors in rendering with following command-

docker-compose logs -f rendering

Access Application

Site can be accessed with the following url –

Sitecore Content Management: https://cm.basic-company-aspnetcore.localhost/sitecore/

Sitecore Identity Server: https://id.basic-company-aspnetcore.localhost

Basic Company site: https://www.basic-company-aspnetcore.localhost

Use following to stop/remove containers-

docker compose down

Issues while building the images

Error response from daemon: Unrecognised volume spec: file ‘\\.\pipe\docker_engine’ cannot be mapped. Only directories can be mapped on this platform


Disable Docker Compose V2 using command or in Docker Desktop-

docker-compose disable-v2

or Uncheck the “Use Docker Compose V2” option


Index and Search OrderCloud Extended Properties

This article explains usage of extended properties in OrderCloud-


But it doesn’t tell about how to index the extended properties to get the search results.

This blog post helps to setup the XP Indices feature already available with the OrderCloud and search such properties.

This example shows extended properties for Categories for which first Catalog needs to setup

1. Create Catalog from Portal (Assume Marketplace is already created)-

Navigate to Product Catalogs => Catalog => Select an operation “Create a new catalog”

Use below JSON or fill in form to create catalog

  "ID": "0001",
  "Active": true,
  "Name": "HabitatMaster",
  "Description": "HabitatMaster"

Catalog will be created with 201 status

2. Create Catagories from Portal with reference to Catalog Id created previously-

Navigate to Product Catalogs => Categories=> Select an operation “Create a new category”

Use below JSON to create catqagory for Catalog “0001” with the extended property “DisplayType” as “Text”

  "ID": "0001-CategoryDisplayText",
  "Active": true,
  "Name": "CategoryDisplayText",
  "Description": "CategoryDisplayText",
  "xp": {
    "DisplayType": "Text"

Likewise create another catagory with DisplayType Image as per below JSON-

  "ID": "0001-CategoryDisplayImage",
  "Active": true,
  "Name": "CategoryDisplayImage",
  "Description": "CategoryDisplayImage",
  "xp": {
    "DisplayType": "Image"

3. Search Category with newly created extended property i.e. DisplayType

First search all categories with Catalog Id “0001”. Following results will be shown-

Now lets try and search with extended properties i.e. Catalog Id “0001” and DisplayType as Text. For this use “Add Filter” option and key as “xp.DisplayType” and Filter Value as “Text”.

This request wont show any results and hence Xp Indices needs to created for Category

4. Create XP Indices

Navigate to Seller => Xp Indices

Indexable resources Catagory “Add Index” => “xp.DisplayType” and Save Changes

Now search the Catagories same as in Step 3 with Filter option and this time you should be able to see the results-

Setup Sitecore 10.2 JSS using next js with disconnected mode


Install Node js – Download the latest node js from here

Install JSS CLI

npm install -g @sitecore-jss/sitecore-jss-cli

Create a new next js app using JSS CLI

Note the project name should be valid as per below error

next-jss-prj1 is not a valid name; you may use lowercase letters, hyphens, and underscores only.

Numbers not allowed in project name

jss create next-jss-prj nextjs

Installs all the required artifacts in the specified folder

Run the next jss app in desconneted mode-

jss start

The app should listen to port 3000


JSS CLI is running in global mode because it was not installed in the local node_modules folder.

Resolution– Install jss cli locally. Also ensure you are in correct directory. Should be in project directory

npm install @sitecore-jss/sitecore-jss-cli