Tag: Email

Sitecore Send Custom Automation – Email when user subscribes to specific mailing list

If you want to send welcome email to the user subscribed to the specific mailing list in this example to a Newsletter, you can do so using Sitecore Send Automation.

In this case there is no OOTB automation available. Will crate a custom automation instead

To see how to setup a Subscribe abd Unsubscribe using javascript see this blog

Setting up Custom Autmation to Thanks user for subscribing to the Newsletter

Navigate to Automation and New –> Custom automation

Setting up Automation for welcome email-

This is avaiable in automation recipe-

Navigate to Automation and New –> From recipe

Update title and description of automation-

Select the trigger-

Choose the List Engagement option – When someone subscribes to a specific list

In this case I am choosing the Newsletter Email List- created in my other blog

This should update the automation-

Next add the condition or control step

For this example will choose – Wait a specific time interval-

So after the user subscribes to Newsletter the wokflow will wait for 1 minute to perform further action.

Select Send mail campaign action-

Fill in the appropriate fields and create action-

Automation Worflow should look like this-

Imp- do not forget to activate the automation workflow.

On subscribing to newsletter-

You should be able to see the user added to the Newsletter mailing list-

After a minute you should be able to see custom automation is triggered-

Result- Email been sent after subscription-

You can also choose the exisitng recipe but this has the trigger to send mail if the user subscribes to any list.

Choose Welcome email sequence option-

This should ne now available in Automation Workflows in an Incomplet state-

Should show up with the option to setup the Automation Workflow-

Might see mulitple such steps- update as per your requirements

Click on the Trigger – When someone subscribes to any list as highlighted


Siecore Send – Setup re-direction to a custom webpage after unsubscription

To setup subscription and un-subscription see this blog

In this case I am setting up the Newsletter mailing list if user un-subscribed redirects to the custom page.

Navigate to the mailing list to setup the unsubscription redirect page-

Select Set your settings option

Enter the Redirect page URL –

When the user unsubscribes to the email list, it will be re-drected to your custom page.

When the user unsubscribes to the mailing list-

Will be redirected to the configured custom page instead of standard Sitecore page.


Gracefully handle user subscription using Sitecore Send

In this blog will walk you through on implementing subscribing and ubsubscribing user from the mail list using Sitecore Send

Use hostname- https://api.sitecoresend.io/v3

Subscribing a user to a mailing list

Api endpoint to subscribe a user to a mailing list


Subscribe Code

function SubscribeNewsletter(){

              let email = document.getElementById("newsletteremail");

              if (email.value == "") {
                alert("Ensure you input a value in both fields!");
              } else {
                // perform operation with form input
                var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
                request.open('POST', 'https://api.sitecoresend.io/v3/subscribers/{maillist}/subscribe.json?apikey={apikey}');
                request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
                request.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json');
                request.onreadystatechange = function () {
                  if (this.readyState === 4) {
                    console.log('Status:', this.status);
                    console.log('Headers:', this.getAllResponseHeaders());
                    console.log('Body:', this.responseText);
                var body = {
                  'Name': 'Sandeep Pote',
                  'Email': email.value,
                  'HasExternalDoubleOptIn': false
                email.value = "";
                alert("User subscribed to newsletter")

Unsubscribe a user from a mailing list

Api endpoint to un-subscribe a user to a mailing list


Unsubscribe Code-

function UnSubscribeNewsletter(){

              let email = document.getElementById("optout-newsletteremail");

              if (email.value == "") {
                alert("Ensure you input a value in both fields!");
              } else {
                // perform operation with form input
                var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
                request.open('POST', 'https://api.sitecoresend.io/v3/subscribers/{maillist}/unsubscribe.json?apikey={apikey}');
                request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
                request.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json');
                request.onreadystatechange = function () {
                  if (this.readyState === 4) {
                    console.log('Status:', this.status);
                    console.log('Headers:', this.getAllResponseHeaders());
                    console.log('Body:', this.responseText);
                var body = {
                    'Email': email.value,                  
                email.value = "";
                alert("User subscribed to newsletter")

Looks simple, but you might see when the user un-subscribed from a mailing list the user is never sent a mail from other mailing list or any other transactional mail.

Set user to unsubscribe from a specific mailing list

To allow only to unsubscribe from the a specific mailing list update a Unsubscribe setting-

For this goto Settings –> Set your account settings in Sitecore Send and check the Unsubscribe settings

Select option- When unsubscribing users from a list send to them from other mailing lists

Now the user will be only unsubscribed from the specific mailing list and sending mails from the Other mailing list of capaign should be possible.

This setting is very important whilst working with Sitecore send.



