Sitecore Commerce supports integration to the third-part system and customization and extension to the OOTB entities. This can be achieved by custom plugins.
If you are migrating your code from XC 9.x version to XC 10 you will have to update the code to newest API’s provided with XC. Following is the list of breaking changes if migrating from older versions or good to know if you are starting with the new XC 10 solution.
Wrappers to PipelineBlock
Commerce Engine uses pipeline framework to support extensibility. Pipelines act as a containers for business logic. Commerce pipeline consists of a block which has a detailed business logic.
With Sitecore 10 PipelineBlock are now wrapped with AsyncPipeline and SyncPipeline. So if you have your code using PipelineBlock it should be using Run method to execute the block you may have injected to pipeline.

If block needs to be executed Asynchronously use AsyncPipelineBlock. Also the method name changes to RunAsync()
If block needs to be executed Synchronously use SyncPipelineBlock. The method name used to execute block is Run()
ConfigureServiceApiBlock also now uses SyncPipelineBlock

2. IPipeline RunAsync() method
IPipeline interface method is changed from Run to RunAsync() which now makes sense as the method is asynchronous operation.
So where are the changes you might need to make, some of the pipelines that is used frequently and need change are listed below-
- IFindEntityPipeline
- IFindEntitiesInListPipeline
- IFindEntitiesPipeline
- IPersistEntityPipeline
- Any custom pipeline and list goes on…
Api Controller
Commerce api controller exposes the endpoint to communicate from FE or Commerce Connect to Commerce Engine. You can create custom endpoint and the api controller inherited from class CommerceController.
With XC 10.x the class file to inherit for same is CommerceODataController
See this link for more details – CommerceODataController
ODataActionParameters should now be referenced from Microsoft.AspNet.OData namespace.
FileResultExecutorBase should be referenced from Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure
These are few of the breaking changes. There are more and I shall keep updating.