Last Updated on January 30, 2021 by sandeeppote
Numeric literal syntax
Reading numbers makes it difficult to understand code. C# 7 has improvement done on the digit separator.
public static int IntegerLiterals() { return 1_000_000; } public static double DoubleLiterals() { return 9_8_7.1_2_3; } public static int BinaryLiterals() { return 0b0001_0000; } Console.WriteLine($" One Million : {NumericalLiterals.IntegerLiterals()}"); Console.WriteLine($" Double : {NumericalLiterals.DoubleLiterals()}"); Console.WriteLine($" Binary to Decimal : {NumericalLiterals.BinaryLiterals()}");
One Million : 1000000
Double : 987.123
Binary to Decimal : 16
Inline out variables
Earlier declaring out variables has to be done separately. Now this can be done in line as follows
public static int InlineOutVariables() { string input = "100"; if (!int.TryParse(input, out int result)) { return 0; } return result; }
You can declare out variable where you use it. The declared out variables also leaks out of the if statement scope and used later.